A professor visits migrants at the border near Nogales, Mexico

border_immersion_morenoBy the time the two young women walked into the shelter, the other migrants were mostly finished with their meals. They stood out as two women among dozens of recently deported men enjoying a meal before continuing on their way. I did what I had been doing all that January morning: I served them each a glass of hot chocolate and a plate of food.

We were volunteering at the Kino Border Initiative (KBI) in Nogales, Mexico, as part of the Center for Social Concerns’ Border Immersion Faculty Seminar. For several years, Notre Dame students have participated in this seminar, but this was the first time it was being offered to faculty and staff as well. As a professor of U.S. Latino literature who studies and teaches about the border, this was an opportunity for me to experience the border in a different way.

Mas…A professor visits migrants at the border near Nogales, Mexico

Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)

What do you need to know when crossing to El Norte from Tijuana? One artist who lived that life incorporated all she learned into origami “cootie catcher” fortune teller paper tip sheets. (Silent video, above.)

Isabella Cruz-Chong grew up in Tijuana, she explained to POCHO in an email, “and I would constantly cross between Tijuana and San Diego. The instructions originated from common rules most people from there know, personal instructions that my parents used to tell me when I was growing up. Some are my own that I have learned that are important to be aware of. All of the instructions are written in my own words.”

Mas…Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)

Dancing Tijuana Cop: The White Zone is for Moonwalking only (video)

“Police officer Jose Ruben Echeverria showed he had the moves Sunday in the Mexican city of Tijuana, dancing to some of Michael Jackson’s greatest hits while directing traffic. Numerous bystanders snapped photos of the dancing police officer, with some even joining in with him. Echeverria says he dances while directing traffic to make the experience of being stuck more pleasant for motorists and pedestrians. He also said it can help boost people’s mood and improve their attitude.” — RUPTLY.