Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’

Former nice Jewish boy and current White House official Stephen Miller coagulates coordinates Trump’s bloody anti-immigrant message and policies.

This begs the musical question: What would Miller rap about if he were a self-hating Mexican and not a self-hating Jew?

Mas…Hip Hop Hoodíos: ‘Mexican Miller (The Self-Hating Stephen Miller Song)’

After the Pittsburgh tragedy, words don’t seem enough

I’ve never understood antisemitism.

As a Mexican-American man with little exposure to Jewish people up until college, that hate always seemed like one group of white people discriminating another group of white people for no good reason.

I never understood why if our country went to war against the Nazis in World War II, we would have Americans that would act like the enemy.

We are supposed to be the heroes, not the villains.

Mas…After the Pittsburgh tragedy, words don’t seem enough

Blow that funky shofar, bot boy (Happy Rosh HaShanah 2018 video)

A musical shoutout (and Hebrew/Spanish pun) to all our friends at Temple Beth Pocho who, at sundown Sunday, are celebrating Rosh HaShanah, which marks 5779 years since the creation of the world. Happy New Year y Le Shanah Tovah tambien.

What is that date on the Mayan Calendar?

(Tekiah? One of the traditional four ritual blasts on the ram’s horn, or shofar, on the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Think of TEKIAH as an Old Testament GRITO and you’ll be on the right track.)

Hebrew homies Jaquann and Luis get munchies, make matzo balls (NSFW video)

On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover starts Friday night a little after 4:20 — sundown, to be exact. (NSFW drugs and language. Yes, we re-run this video every year.)

Happy Rosh HaShana from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5778! (video)

tijuanaMexico, like the United Estates, is a “nation of immigrants.”

In the 1900s, Tijuana welcomed Jewish refugees fleeing wars, hate, and poverty in Europe, Asia and the Mideast.

Tijuana Jews, the story of the extended Artenstein family, has become a POCHO Rosh HaShana (New Year) tradition ever since we noticed rosh-ha-shana rhymed with Tijuana in 2012.

Mas…Happy Rosh HaShana from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5778! (video)

Hebrew homies Jaquann and Luis make matzo balls (NSFW video)

On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover starts Monday night a little after 4:20 — sundown, to be exact. (NSFW drugs and language.)

Happy Rosh HaShana from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5777! (video)

tijuanaMexico, like the United Estates, is a “nation of immigrants.”

In the 1900s, Tijuana welcomed Jewish refugees fleeing wars, hate and poverty in Europe, Asia and the Mideast.

Tijuana Jews, the story of the extended Artenstein family, has become a POCHO Rosh HaShana (New Year) tradition ever since we noticed rosh-ha-shana rhymed with Tijuana in 2012.

Mas…Happy Rosh HaShana from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5777! (video)

Can you spot the Latino in this photograph?

salvadorlitvakI’m pretty sure I was the only redhead at the NYU Latino Law Students Association Gala in the spring of 1990. The food was delicious, my date looked stunning, and I was glad I had jumped on the opportunity when I received the LALSA invitation.

My journey to that moment began 25 years earlier. I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1965: a third generation Chilean on my father’s side (whose people came from Odessa), and first generation on my mother’s side, who arrived when she was 12 from Hungary.

We left Chile in 1970 after the election of socialist president Salvador Allende. For Mom, socialism was close enough to the Soviet regime she’d fled in Hungary.

I started kindergarten at P.S. 81 in the Bronx. With a curly mop of flaming red hair and speaking only Spanish, I immediately embarked on a lifelong career of not fitting in. I learned English fast, but I still felt like an outsider. I got into X-Men comics because I identified with the mutants.

Mas…Can you spot the Latino in this photograph?

Home Team USA: People of Every Creed, Color, Heritage (1952 PSAs)

Three glorious black and white Public Service Announcements remind an “ordinary Joe” not to be “Joe Shmoe.” How? “Don’t be prejudiced.”

“Negroes and whites, Jews and Christians, [women are seen but not heard],” says the cheery announcer. “We are all in this together.” Also we’re all in the circus and on the baseball diamonds, high rise construction sites and neighborhood block parties.

Mas…Home Team USA: People of Every Creed, Color, Heritage (1952 PSAs)

Los Hip Hop Hoodíos fire up ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Chanukah (videos)

Feliz Hanukkah from POCHO and the Hip Hop Hoodíos! Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, begins at sunset Sunday night and ends at sunset on December 30: Ocho noches, therefore Ocho Kandelikas.

This salsa version of Ocho Kandelikas comes from swingin’ L.A. Cantor Kenny Ellis. The lyrics are in Ladino, the Sephardic language with roots in Spanish and Hebrew:

Mas…Los Hip Hop Hoodíos fire up ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Chanukah (videos)