(PNS reporting from MEXICO CITY) Felipe Roberto, star of the reality show Guac Dynasty, which follows the Roberto clan of rude and crude avocado wranglers through their struggle with weeds, bugs and family dysfunction, has been suspended by the Mexican Arte y Entretenimiento TV network (MEX A&E) after his hateful Tweet about Americans went viral, PNS has learned.
Roberto told his 3,827 Twitter followers that he was flying to Los Angeles for Christmas and he hoped he “didn’t get the gays” from the “Hollywood maricons.”
By the time his flight landed at LAX late Sunday, MEX A&E had suspended the patron of the Roberto family and star of the show.
When contacted, MEX A&E would only release this statement:
Señor Roberto’s opinions are his own and do not represent the philosophy of MEX A&E. The network would not be where we are today without the work and dedication of maricons, and, we should add, putos.