If you think you worked hard today, watch these guys! (video)

Four guys with picks and shovels dig a water well in Oaxaca in this 2008 video. The temperature approached 100°, according to the uploader. It’s amazing to watch how hard these guys work, and the techniques they use to turn a hole in the ground into a working well.

Here’s what it says on YouTube:

Uploaded on Feb 16, 2008

Hand digging a well in Mexico the temperatures approaching 100 degrees f. 38
Entering the earth looking for fresh water seems timeless in the human quest for survival.

The well provided water at 4 meters (13 feet). 1500 gallons of fresh water (5676 liters) which replenishes itself in a few hours.

At 2 meters a piece of a pot was uncovered. At 3 meters rocks with veins of what appears to be some metal was excavated.

Excavando un pozo en Puertecito, Oaxaca, Mexico “a mano” (sin maquinaria) con temperaturas acercando 100 grados f./38 c.

Entrando a la tierra en una búsqueda de agua dulce parece una búsqueda eterna de supervivencia.

El pozo rindió agua a los 4 metros/13 pies. 1500 galones de agua dulce (5676 litros) que se rellena a si mismo en unas pocas horas.

A los metros, un fragmento de una olla.

A los 3 metros rocas con venas de lo que parece ser de un metal.