She’s a ‘young adult’ now! ‘Dora and Friends: Into the City’

doraandfriendsbannerNew Young Adult/YA Dora the Explorer on the Horizon: Dora and Friends: Into the City to Debut! What’s Next? Dora, the Sad College Years?

Never one to say no to a good thing, Nickelodeon has opted to cash-in on their Latina golden goose! The morning mail finds our old friend Dora the Explorer all grown up, ten years old, hangin’ with her posse in the City, and, get this, now she has eyebrows.

I am actually all for the saturation of the vidiot network with pint-sized facsimiles of smart, bilingual, Latina animated stars, so I will hold the snark and just point you to some coming attractions!

Here’s the L.A. Times take on Miss Dora Márquez — the N.Y. Times as well.


Here’s the cast of characters:

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and, for those of you drawing up your Fall syllabi, a lesson plan… click the image below for your assessment-ready curriculum guide:


The series is fully integrated with an online gaming platform (Dora Does the Digital Humanities) — here’s a trailer for the game; the actual game hangs out here!

Republished with permission from The Tex[t]-Mex Galleryblog. All Rights Reserved.