A man takes a drink, then the drink takes him (video)

It’s an old Irish proverb, according to video makers Sergio Gonzalez and Adam McCoy:

A man takes a drink,
Then a drink takes a drink,
Then the drink takes the man.

Read these instructions from the creators before attempting to view this video:

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets funny?

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets funny?

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets funny?

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets funny and then it’s suddenly not funny?

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets funny again?

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets funny and then it’s awful?

You know when you say something a couple times over the same way and it gets hilarious?

We like to play with expectation.

And we expect you to like our film,

Then get uneasy,

Then like it again,

Then hate it,

Then love it.

Adam McCoy
Sergio Gonzalez