A science fiction flick hitting theaters in April could turn out to be the SuperPAC-funded film that will finally get Newt Gingrich elected President of the United States.
It has all the elements of a hit movie: flying saucers, the moon, Nazis and Newt Gingrich!
Eh, maybe not Newt Gingrich. And maybe this is not exactly the Citizens United funded “Hillary: the Movie,” that has poisoned the American political process.
It’s actually “Iron Sky,” a dark sci-fi comedy which premiered last week at the Berlin International Film Festival.
A Finnish and German co-production, Iron Sky tells the tale of the last days of World War II, where a secret Nazi space program evades destruction by fleeing to the Dark Side of the Moon.
These Space Nazis construct a gigantic space fortress with a massive armada of flying saucers. That’s not enough of das freak show for you? How about the American space ship USS George W. Bush?
Throw in the foul-mouthed American president character based on Sarah Palin, and you’ve got Oscar material, at least in my book.
Check out the trailer and visit their official site for more on this uber filmisches meisterwerk! Though the film is in English, at the end of Iron Sky you just might be shouting, “Gegrüßet Seist Du Space Nazi Hr. Newt Gingrich!”