What did we ever do before the Google? Where did a poor pre-Googlite go to find out the big answers and the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? Actually, we could Google that. But why even hypothesize? Google has the answers we want today and knows the questions we want to ask even before we ask them:
- So why DO Mexicans stare? Because you’re a hot guera. Doh!
- Well then why do they eat beans? Because if you know how to cook them properly they are a delicious, nutritious low-cost protein.
- So why do the Mexicans come to the U.S.? For a better life for themselves and their families, just like your ancestors. By the way, would your ancestors get in today?
- OK, then, wassup with the Mexican jumping beans? Icky moth larva inside doesn’t like the warm.
- Mexicans look like Asians — why? Bering Strait blah blah blah. Funny, you don’t look Mexican!
- Can you explain the Smiths/Morrissey thing? Morrissey estole our hearts. Happy Birthday Moz (tomorrow)!
- Why do Mexicans say “fool”? Only to you, fool. They say it only to you.