Bumper sticker from the Lone Star State (toon)
Clip and save, or buy one here!
Throwback Thursday: ‘Those Darn White Kids’ (POCHO 2000 toons)
Women’s History Month: Sister Megan Rice (toon)
Megan Gillespie Rice (born January 31, 1930) is an anti-nuclear activist and Roman Catholic nun of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. On February 18, 2014, Rice was sentenced to 35 months in prison for breaking into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, spray-painting antiwar slogans, and splashing blood on the outside of the heavily-guarded Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility.
And now a word from Han Zapata: ‘Don’t Tread On Me!’ (toons)
Image by Alex “El Indio” Garcia De Aztlan. Here’s another one by Alex:
Mas…And now a word from Han Zapata: ‘Don’t Tread On Me!’ (toons)
Epistle to the Internets: ‘Jesus Had A Jewish Mother’ (toon)
“Mom, how many Jews does it take to change a lightbulb?”
“Don’t worry about me, Sammy, I’ll just sit here in the dark.” [RIMSHOT.]
Was it any different for Jesus of Nazareth and his Jewish mother Mary?
Cartoonista Idan Schneider answers the kvetching question as the toon continues here: Jesus Had A Jewish Mom.
Mas…Epistle to the Internets: ‘Jesus Had A Jewish Mother’ (toon)
Jesus is cool but Guadalupe is better (toon)
This brand new toon (yesterday!) is by artist Gustavo Abascal. We had to make a square “thumbnail” for layout purposes on the home page, but don’t be scared, the full image is here:
My proposed redesign for the Washington Redskins mascot (toon)
Here are the existing logo and my redesigned version full size:
Mas…My proposed redesign for the Washington Redskins mascot (toon)