Arcade Fire’s new video ‘Afterlife’ is awesome and full of Raza
It’s new, and awesome, and Raza-filled. Check it out.
Mexclusive: Hollywood has called my bluff with ‘Bordertown’ at Fox!
Fox has just announced the pickup of a new animated TV show called Bordertown, debuting in 2014. It was created by the showrunner of Family Guy, Mark Hentemann.
I was offered a gig writing and consulting on the show, and I happily accepted.
This will be the first animated prime time network TV show with a significant number of Latino characters.
Over half the cast will Mexican or Mexican-Americans or Chicanos. It will be historic.
Mas…Mexclusive: Hollywood has called my bluff with ‘Bordertown’ at Fox!
La Cucaracha: Their month over, Hispanics get the sad (toon)
Mas…La Cucaracha: Their month over, Hispanics get the sad (toon)
Government shutdown halts Hispanic Heritage Month in mid-month
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, DC) Effective immediately, all Hispanic Heritage Month observations have been halted due to the current Federal Government shutdown.
HHM activities have been classified as “non-essential” and Washington has issued guidelines on toning down loud festivities and colorful displays as the U.S. Treasury runs out of funding.
As of midnight, October 15, all functions relating to Hispanic Heritage Month ceased, according to Felix Zaragosa of the General Services Administration.
“More than 2,900 Federal Mariachi Administration inspectors were initially furloughed, putting an end to inspections of mariachi uniforms and instruments. The FMA asked 800 employees to return to work last week,” he said.
Mas…Government shutdown halts Hispanic Heritage Month in mid-month
California immigrants hail Jerry Brown’s veto of jury duty bill
(PNS reporting from SACRAMENTO) Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed legislation Monday that would have made California the first state in the nation to allow legal immigrants who are not citizens to serve on juries.
The governor has recently approved bills expanding the rights of immigrants, including legislation allowing those in the country without documents to apply for driver’s licenses and practice law. Democrat Brown said serving on a jury, however, was a civic duty that should be exclusive to citizens.
Ronaldo Santa Flojeraz (photo), 36, a client of the of Los Angeles Immigrant Rights Labor Center, welcomed Brown’s decision. “Thank you, Governor Brown, for vetoing that bill,” he told PNS. “I was not looking forward to having to avoid the jury duty summons mailers sent by the local courts. I got better things to do.”
Mas…California immigrants hail Jerry Brown’s veto of jury duty bill
La Cucaracha presents Latino Heritage Month on TV (toon)
Mas…La Cucaracha presents Latino Heritage Month on TV (toon)
It’s National Taco Day! Eat ’em if you got ’em
According to either the National Taco Industry Council, or some drunk person who also just made this up, today is National Taco Day in the United Estates.
And it says so, on to the online hub of this holiday,
In 2012, Americans ate 4.5 billion tacos!
That’s 490,000 miles of tacos, which could take you to the moon and back or, if you prefer, could, at 775-million pounds, equal the weight of two Empire State Buildings.
Damn, that just makes me feel fat. Also on their site, they state oddly that:
Breaking: GOP blames unidentified suspect for shutdown
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, DC) The GOP knows who to blame for today’s partial Federal government shutdown.
“An unidentified black man came along out of nowhere, drew a gun and demanded that Republicans shut down the government,” according to Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH).
La Cucaracha: Yay! Cali OKs drivers licenses for undocumented (toon)
- PREVIOUSLY ON LALO ALCACRAZ PARKING VALET: Standing While Brown: A white lady tried to get me to valet her car
La Cucaracha: Voting — it’s not just for white people anymore (toon)
Fifty years ago yesterday, four little girls were killed when white racists dynamited the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL. The African-American congregation had been active in the push for civil and voting rights in the segregated South.
But now that a misguided Supreme Court has overturned key provisions of the Voting Rights Act — a law prompted by the nation’s disgust at the Birmingham bombing and the arrests, demonstrations, riots, and murders that followed — the struggle for the right to vote continues.
Sarah Silverman explained the issue last year, when Republicans began their campaign to pass bogus “voter ID” laws:
Mas…La Cucaracha: Voting — it’s not just for white people anymore (toon)