Jesus, please! What do you mean ‘No Easter Bunny?’ (video)

When Juanita Carmelita throws an Easter party for the kids, she’s expecting the Easter Bunny to make a guest appearance. But the costume store is out of bunny costumes, so a long-haired bearded Savior-looking guy in robes shows up instead. Dare we expect . . . . a MIRACLE? [Frankie Quiñones stars as Juanita Carmelita.]


Mas…Jesus, please! What do you mean ‘No Easter Bunny?’ (video)

Hebrew homies Jaquann and Luis make matzo balls (NSFW video)

On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover starts Monday night a little after 4:20 — sundown, to be exact. (NSFW drugs and language.)

Keep your burrito safe and warm with a Burrito Buddy™ (infomerical)

Skip the drama of dining disasters with the new Outdoor Research Burrito Buddy™, featuring the patented Burrito Heat-O Technology for both infinitely hot Mexican goodness and fingertip burn prevention.

The Burrito Buddy’s sturdy, carnage-proof construction prevents lunchtime leakage or breakage, and a convenient food fastener plays it safe with a zippered closure. Plus, the Burrito Buddy™ is enveloped by a gentle swaddling design that protects your meal with some good old-fashioned TLC. Save your sweat for the salsa – your burrito is in good hands.

Kids aren’t born racist. Hate is something they learn (photo)

Nick and I told Sophia that after 1 whole month of going poop on the potty, she could pick out a special prize at Target. She, of course, picked a new doll. The obsession is real. While we were checking out, the cashier asked Sophia if she was going to a birthday party. We both gave her a blank stare. She then pointed to the doll and asked Sophia if she picked her out for a friend. Sophia continued to stare blankly and I let the cashier know that she was a prize for Sophia being fully potty trained. The woman gave me a puzzled look and turned to Sophia and asked, "Are you sure this is the doll you want, honey?" Sophia finally found her voice and said, "Yes, please!" The cashier replied, "But she doesn't look like you. We have lots of other dolls that look more like you." I immediately became angry, but before I could say anything, Sophia responded with, "Yes, she does. She's a doctor like I'm a doctor. And I'm a pretty girl and she's a pretty girl. See her pretty hair? And see her stethoscope?" Thankfully the cashier decided to drop the issue and just answer, "Oh, that's nice." This experience just confirmed my belief that we aren't born with the idea that color matters. Skin comes in different colors just like hair and eyes and every shade is beautiful. #itswhatsontheinsidethatcounts #allskinisbeautiful #teachlove #teachdiversity #thenextgenerationiswatching

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From England: Chicken teriyaki tacos with pineapple salsa (video)

Looks pretty good, actually. A legit chicken teriyaki recipe, authentic pico de gallo/salsa made with grilled piña, and of course everything tastes better on a tortilla. We have three questions, though:

  1. Where did the rice come from?
  2. How can it be a “healthier” with a lettuce wrap instead of a tortilla? Corn tortillas are GLUTEN FREE, ENGLISH DUDE. Also, no tortilla, no taco.
  3. Wassup with the Christmas music soundtrack on a video uploaded March 27?

FDR died before he could deliver on his ‘Second Bill of Rights’ (videos)

On January 11, 1944, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised the country a Second Bill of Rights when World War II was over, but he died before the conflict ended.

America’s future security, he said, demands citizens have a right to good housing, good healthcare, good education, a living wage and more.

POCHO FACTOID: FDR never used the word “bigly” in a speech.

Transcript of his “Fireside Chat”:

Mas…FDR died before he could deliver on his ‘Second Bill of Rights’ (videos)

The San Patricio Batallón: Aztlan’s Irish heroes (4 music videos)

🇲🇽 ❤️ 🇮🇪

This corrido by Orange County Celtic-rock homies The Fenians tells the tragic story of the San Patricios, the St. Patrick’s Battalion.

The unit of 200 mostly Catholic Irish immigrants deserted the United States Army and fought with the Mexican Army against the U.S.A. in the Mexican–American War.

Scots-British post-punk The Wakes Band offer their version of the story next. The video’s not much to look at but the lyrics are killer, so read along below:

Mas…The San Patricio Batallón: Aztlan’s Irish heroes (4 music videos)