La Cucaracha y Mas
Happy Inko! It’s National Cartoonists Day AND Cinco de Mayo
Yes, today is the day where we celebrate cartoonists, as it is National Cartoonists Day.
Serio, the National Cartoonists Society started this event a few years ago, apparently because they had no Latino members at the time who might have mentioned May 5 is already Cinco de Mayo, but, hey, I’m glad they ran with it!
Mas…Happy Inko! It’s National Cartoonists Day AND Cinco de Mayo
Look! All your Cinco de Mayo memes in one click-bait listicle!
We scraped the Internets to bring you the very best Cinco de Mayo graphic memes.
Please like and share!
Willy Wonka:
Matrix Morpheus:
Mas…Look! All your Cinco de Mayo memes in one click-bait listicle!
Trump Space Enterprises presents ‘Make Space Great Again’ (video)
Captain’s Blog. StarDate 2016.04.21:
We’ve arrived in the Bozo Sector where I shall begin my campaign to make space great again.
The struggle is real: Churro know my life! (toon)
Our Lady of Liberty: Harriet Tubman (toon)
[There’s lots more from Alex Garcia de Aztlan on the Instagram.]
Speedy Gonzales and ‘La Cucaracha’: Marihuana por fumar (1955 video)
Mexico’s fastest mouse, our hero Speedy Gonzalez, is a friend to everybody’s seester. But Speedy, unlike POCHO’s La Cucaracha, needs his “marihuana por fumar.” Speedy Gonzales (yes, that’s the name of the cartoon and our leading man) won an Academy Award in 1955.
Mas…Speedy Gonzales and ‘La Cucaracha’: Marihuana por fumar (1955 video)