La Cucaracha y Mas
ZUBI to the rescue if you hate Mexicans and that taco emoji (video)
Advertising agency ZUBI (in Florida, of course) steps up for the minority of “Latinos” and “Hispanics” who aren’t Mexican — and people who hate tacos. Because “Latino emotions,” tu sabes, are different and require special emoji.
Mas…ZUBI to the rescue if you hate Mexicans and that taco emoji (video)
¡Orale! Anti-NDN racism is gone in Cleveland (It’s all over, right?)
Old racist times are they a changin’?
Monday was the day for the long-awaited peace summit between the two opposing subjects of my eerily-accurate anti-mascot cartoon from 2002.
“But dude, I’m honoring you!” came to the Cleveland Indians stadium to apologize to the Native American anti-mascot protester.
Indian Country Today Media Network reports:
Mas…¡Orale! Anti-NDN racism is gone in Cleveland (It’s all over, right?)
‘Panama Wash’ detergent gets out the bloodstains (1976 advert)
Hey Vato! What will it be like for ‘Homies in the Future’? (NSFW video)
Special guest star SIRI gets name-checked as Chuy and Smiley consider what the future will bring in this latest episode of Hey Vato! [NSFW F-bomb.]
And don’t forget to check out Smiley and Chuy’s website where you can buy Hey Vato! t-shirts.
Ask your Mexican if Bayer® aspirin is right for you (video)
Headache? Cold? Flu? Rheumatism? Is your horse sick and tired too? Surrounded by desert, cacti and vultures? Ask a Mexican cabellero with an English accent if Bayer® aspirin is right for you!
Mas…Ask your Mexican if Bayer® aspirin is right for you (video)
Dear Bernie Sanders: Funny, you don’t look Mexican! (toon)
[There’s lots more from Alex Garcia de Aztlan on the Instagram.]
Artist Carlos Barberena: Nicaragua to Chicago in Calacavison (toons)
Nicaraguan-born Chicago artist and printmaker Carlos Barberena mixes up traditional calacas and current events. Wall Street, Mickey Mouse, McDonalds, Halliburton, British Petroleum and other icons look better as muertos, don’t you think?
Mas…Artist Carlos Barberena: Nicaragua to Chicago in Calacavison (toons)
Is it true what they say about Senator Ted Cruz (R- Pendejo)? [toon]
.@tedcruz explain this.
— eve peyser (@evepeyser) March 26, 2016
Is it true what they say about Texas Senator Ted Cruz? This screen capture looks legit.
Infographics: Pyramid of moral superiority, world tragedy map
Here’s another one:
Mas…Infographics: Pyramid of moral superiority, world tragedy map