La Cucaracha y Mas
Hot stuff: Your animated GIF guide to the chiles of Mexico
Even though they think these hot peppers are called “chilies,” Lucky Peach — “a quarterly journal of food and writing” — still created a cool guide to the chiles of Mexico featuring gorgeous animated GIFs by Serafine Frey.
Meet the ANCHO family, according to writers Alex Stupak and Jordana Rothman:
Mas…Hot stuff: Your animated GIF guide to the chiles of Mexico
If not now, when? (GIF)
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? — Rabbi Hillel the Elder. [GIF creator unknown.]
1950s Forbidden Love: White woman ❤️ Native American man (toons)
Forbidden to Love Him (1953), features a handsome Native American guy who can “pass” as white and his sweetie, a hot blonde. No biggie, eh? In 1950s America, interracial marriages were maligned by racists and actually forbidden by some states’ anti-miscegenation laws.
Check out these highlights via Pappy’s Golden Age Comics Blogzine:
Mas…1950s Forbidden Love: White woman ❤️ Native American man (toons)
Meanwhile, in America, the debate goes on (toon)
A scene from the ‘First Thanksgiving’ (toon)
[There’s lots more from Alex Garcia de Aztlan here.]