La Cucaracha y Mas
Throwback Thursday: ‘Those Darn White Kids’ (POCHO 2000 toons)
Women’s History Month: Sister Megan Rice (toon)
Megan Gillespie Rice (born January 31, 1930) is an anti-nuclear activist and Roman Catholic nun of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. On February 18, 2014, Rice was sentenced to 35 months in prison for breaking into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, spray-painting antiwar slogans, and splashing blood on the outside of the heavily-guarded Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility.
Ugly Mexicans and sexy gringas — pulp fiction history of hate (toons)
Bill “Memo” Nericcio, author, professor at San Diego State University and proprietor of the Tex[t]-Mex Gallery Blog, collects representations of Mexican-Americans in pop culture.
He just posted a set of scanned 1936-37 covers from pulp fiction magazine Spicy Western Stories and its siblings that all exploit the same stereotype — the leering (ugly) (brown) bandido and the (scantily-clad) (white) chica/victim in distress. Hate much?
The image above is just one slice of the four covers Memo found; the big images of all four are below (click to enlarge):
Mas…Ugly Mexicans and sexy gringas — pulp fiction history of hate (toons)
Lalo Alcaraz: How to draw a cartoon character (video)
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz offers a quick lesson in creating and drawing your own cartoon character.
So did you hear about George Lopez at the Oscars? (toon)
Based on a Matt Groening toon Tweeted by The Simpsons. [Click on the image to enlarge.]
Mas…So did you hear about George Lopez at the Oscars? (toon)
And now a word from Han Zapata: ‘Don’t Tread On Me!’ (toons)
Image by Alex “El Indio” Garcia De Aztlan. Here’s another one by Alex:
Mas…And now a word from Han Zapata: ‘Don’t Tread On Me!’ (toons)
Everything is possible ‘En Tus Brazos’ (video)
He was El Rey de Tango until the tragic accident. Will he ever dance again?
¡Hasta luego, El Chapo! (toon)
(Based on a stunning World War II American government propaganda poster, Americanos Todos, by Luis Helguera. Click on the image for the full-sized hi-res version.)
White privilege explained in a great comic
This white privilege comic is awesome.
Unfortunately, Internet trolls and racists ran off the poor girl who created it.
You can see the whole thing here, and we promise it’s worth the click!