La Cucaracha y Mas
Awkwafina: GOP! I don’t have to show you my steenking vag (NSFW vid)
Hands off my lady parts, you GOP pervs. My vag is awesome! (NSFW adult lyrics.)
And from Favianna Rodriguez, this NSFW poster…
Mas…Awkwafina: GOP! I don’t have to show you my steenking vag (NSFW vid)
Comic-Con Cosplay: Are these the droids you were looking for? (video)
Last week at this time POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz was posing as a professional cartoonist at Comic-Con 2013 in San Diego, but he was dressed as Lalo. These enthusiastic costume players, on the other hand, were living the dream.
Your basic futuristic Pre-Columbian animation from Israel (video)
From Israel comes this tale of a little girl in a “futuristic Pre-Columbian tribe” where everyone wears a mask. When the girl reaches the age of maturity, she’ll get a mask herself and she understands that accepting the mask will make her one of the tribe. Also involved: Carlos Castandeda’s Don Juan, abstract electronic music, high-speed rail, totem poles, pyramids, tunnels, skyscrapers, the Great Wall of China and iPads (could be Androids, hard to tell.) Mas Que La Cara , according to creator Yaniv Cohen, a college student, is from the Spanish and means “more than the face” or “added face.” It’s also the root of the word “masque.”
The map is not the territory — or is it? (toons)
We’ve already run maps seeking to explain such mysteries as Texas and Florida. But now for something completely different via our friends at Well semi-different. Actually not that different from the Texas map but instructive, nevertheless. It’s a map [click to enlarge] of Los United Estates, from Yanko Tsvetkov’s Atlas of Prejudice. Look right to you?
And here’s Tsetkov’s map of the world according to Americans [click to enlarge]:
Release the hounds? What, me worry? I’m @ #SDCC (photos)
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I’m back in my hometown — however briefly — for the San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, where I had a chance to talk with and take photos with two of my heroes, Montgomery Burns and Alfred E. Neuman.
Alcaraz. Lalo Alcaraz. I’ve got a license to toon:
Photographers here are always happy to snap pix of hot chicas in super hero garb. Click on the gigantor image to enlarge:
Mas…Release the hounds? What, me worry? I’m @ #SDCC (photos)
Controversial magazine cover photos? Ask Oprah! (photo)
Of course we are sensitive to the complaints from Beantown (they’re beaners after all) about Rolling Stone’s decision to make controversial Caucasian-American Dzhokhar Tsarnaev their glamorous cover boy.
But as recovering ñewspeeps ourselves, we have to point out that the accused terrorist isn’t the first villain to make it to the cover of a slick zine:
- Mass-murdering terrorist Osama bin Laden was featured on the cover of Time with nary a protest.
- Pedophile-junkie Michael Jackson has been on every magazine cover everywhere and there are no crowds of moonwalkers with picket signs.
- Few heads were turned when serial bankrupter and ignorant liar Donald J. Trump graced Modern Toupee (his issue was the second-biggest seller after the Sen. Rand Paul cover.)
And there was no outrage when Oprah Winfrey put these two masterdeporters on the cover of O magazine in March of 2012.
We have to confess, though. POCHO’s biggest dream is to get banned in Boston.
Every mother’s worst nightmare (toon)
- What’s behind this cartoon? Lalo Alcaraz answered that pregunta for HLNTV.
When life turns cartoonish, cartoonists turn pro (NSFW video)
She doesn’t like the crap he’s pulling and she tells him so, but is he listening? He visualizes a cartoon story board. [NSFW dirty audio in Castillian Spanish.]
Feliz Cuatro de Julio from MR. POCHO y Los Pochodores
Sostenemos como evidentes por sí mismas dichas verdades: que todos los hombres son creados iguales; que son dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre estos están la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad. | We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. |
And now, with the The Star Spangled Banner, El Mariachi Kid: Sebastien de la Cruz:
La Virgen de Guadalupe: ‘I’m too sexy for your cover!’ (toon)
La Virgen de Guadalupe’s new Summer 2013 look — as seen on a recent cover of the Santa Fe Reporter — has gotten some people upset. Fox Latino reports:
“If your intent was to in effect slap Catholics across the face, by putting forth this public depiction of Our Lady as a party girl, during the very week that we honor her as our patroness, then I can only say that from my perspective, you succeeded,” wrote the Rev. Adam Lee Ortega y Ortiz, the rector of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, in a letter to the editor. “I must voice my outrage and disgust at the decision to depict Our Lady of Guadalupe in such a demeaning manner. I am personally and professionally insulted by the cover.”
POCHO wants to confess, too! Mea culpa, Padre. We have sinned with some of our recent illustrations, like this one of the Virgin contemplating a pregnancy test:
Mas…La Virgen de Guadalupe: ‘I’m too sexy for your cover!’ (toon)
The true story of ‘Two Corn Chips at the Playground’ (video)
Once upon a time there were two corn chips, friends. They used to play together at the school playground. One chip thought the other was not playing fair, and he told him. This is their story.
Vintage 1968 anti-war video reborn: ‘Mickey Mouse In Vietnam’
This one-minute 1968 black and white short 16mm animation by Milton Glaser was thought to be lost, but it resurfaced a month ago. There are lots of versions floating around but we like this one with music.
Mickey is no stranger to controversy. Here are two recent Mouse-themed toons from POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz:
Mas…Vintage 1968 anti-war video reborn: ‘Mickey Mouse In Vietnam’