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Get your anime and cosplay on at Friki Plaza in Mexico DF (video)
In Mexico City (that’s Mexico DF in Español) you can get your fix of kawai, anime, manga, cosplay, Japanese food and more at Friki Plaza. True Mexico reports.
Castro and Obama start a new era with beisbol in Havana (GIF,video)
President Obama does 'the wave' alongside Raúl Castro in Cuba pic.twitter.com/bSLcVkOLxn
— Independent Journal (@INJO) March 22, 2016
Cuba’s President Raul Castro and President Barack Obama were the world’s most famous fans Tuesday as they wrapped up their historic fence-mending encounter by doing the wave at an exhibition baseball game in Havana.
Mas…Castro and Obama start a new era with beisbol in Havana (GIF,video)
True Story: I was a teenaged guera, white like Jesus too
In 1969, my mother registered to vote as a member of La Raza Unida, an independent “third party.”
When she came home and shared the news with her father — declaring that she was a “Chicana” — he grew angry.
He told her never to use that word, since “Chicano” was a derogatory term when he was growing up.
Despite my mother’s defiance of the patriarchal family regime that day, she never talked much about the importance of our Mexican heritage or exploring the values of Xicanisma.
Mom did send me to an all-girls Catholic high school, however, and maybe that was an attempt at showing me empowerment for women. The school was in 75% white Glendora, though, so our Jesus statues were white (photo, above), just like our feminism.
Mas…True Story: I was a teenaged guera, white like Jesus too
New for 2016! Super Trump Fighter Too – World Warrior (toon)
[There’s lots more from Alex Garcia de Aztlan here.]
Chicago craft brewer greeted Trump with a special cerveza
The anti-Trump forces in Chicago didn’t just march last week — they drank a specially-brewed anti-Donald cerveza in protest too.
Mas…Chicago craft brewer greeted Trump with a special cerveza
Another toon from Chicago’s anti-Trump demonstration
Last week, when Chicago students organized to protest a Donald Trump campaign rally, some demonstrators carried big prints of this image, by Carlos Barbarena. Our Spanish isn’t perfect, but apparently Carlos was making a point about the Donald and his hair.
Dear Donald: Here’s my audition tape for your Internet video
Remember how Donald Trump or somebody like him put out a casting call for a Latina to play the Donald’s executive assistant in an internet video?
SoCal actor Diana Burbano sent in this audition tape.
AAA Fresno Grizzlies (aka Fresno Tacos) celebrate ‘Three Amigos’
Triple-A baseball team the Fresno Grizzlies will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the hit comedy Three Amigos with special caps and jerseys this summer. Last year, the Grizzlies became the Fresno Tacos for just one night.
The Major League Baseball website has the story:
Mas…AAA Fresno Grizzlies (aka Fresno Tacos) celebrate ‘Three Amigos’
Is Hillary Clinton feelin’ the Bern? (toon)
There’s more like this at ArnieBermudez.com
Wall Street Journal Video: So you want to build a border wall?
Seriously? You want to build a 2000-mile-long wall between the U.S. and Mexico? Follow along now as the Wall Street Journal explains exactly what that entails.
YungBlu has written a ‘Letter to Donald Trump’ (music video)
Dear Don: You’ve got mail — Inland Empire (Califas) rapper YungBlu’s Letter to Donald Trump. And if you’re having trouble getting the message, Donald, YungBlu is on Facebook, the web and the Twitter.
Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)
Are you an attractive and passionate Latina actress, 21-35, with perfect English and a slight Hispanic accent who wants to deliver scripted monologues talking straight to the camera about your experiences working as an executive assistant for Donald Trump for an Internet video of some sort?
Don’t apply if you’re in the Screen Actors Guild, or want to get paid. You’ll get a copy, your name will be in the credits and you can be a star on social media. Bring your own lube.
Here’s the original casting notice email, via Los Angeles actor Siri Corretjer on Facebook:
Mas…Casting Call: Latina actress to play Donald Trump’s assistant (photo)
Ordinary Americans explain why they back Donald Trump (SNL video)
Meet some ordinary Americans who want to tell you why they back Donald Trump’s quest for the GOP presidential nomination.
Mexican Mitt Romney: DON TROMP ES CON MAN
I had to speak up, because of this human hot cheeto el DONALD TROMP.
The REPUBLICAN PARTY is turning into one of those fiestas that go on past 3 am and ALL YOUR DRONK TIOS FIGHT and the CHOTA comes to arrest everybody. Pero at this fiesta, no one is arresting the one who ESTARTED ALL THE PEDO: DONALD TROMP.
He is the worst thing to happen to the Republican Fiesta since TED CRUZ Y MARCO RUBIO, the CUBAN BLUNDER TWINS!
TROMP is not the man to represent the GOP. GOP now stands for GET OUT PENDEJO!