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Watch: Up close and personal with Senator Ted Cruz (R-Pendejo)
These lip readers sure do a bad job!
Mex Ex-Prez Vicente Fox: I have Trump-Induced Tourette’s Syndrome
(PNS reporting from MEXICO CITY) Former Mexican President Vicente Fox announced Monday that he has a rare disorder known as “Trump Induced Tourette’s Syndrome,” or TITS, in which every time he hears the name or sees an image of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, he involuntarily screams vulgarities and suffers mild convulsions.
“The condition was originally diagnosed by doctors as just visceral hatred for a bigoted, sexist, fascist, moron,” Fox said this morning at a Mexico City press conference. “But the more his popularity surged and the more I heard the name Trump, the more I cursed that mutha fu¢kn hate-mongering piece of baboon $h!t.”
Mas…Mex Ex-Prez Vicente Fox: I have Trump-Induced Tourette’s Syndrome
Donald Trump’s triumph of the will inspires campaign rally (video)
At a torch-lit evening campaign rally, GOP nominee wannabe Donald Trump shows the crowd how to handle those darn Mexicans – handle them LIKE A BOSS!
Que lastima! The GOP’s Latino candidates are anti-Latino
Growing up on the mean streets of East Los Angeles, I, like many of my childhood friends, feared the police more than the local gang, Big Hazard. Specifically, we dreaded Latino police officers, since they had a reputation of being more brutal than their white peers with us — poor Chicano kids from the projects.
By verbally and physically harassing us, the Latino officers reinforced their 100 percent loyalty to their white peers and police department. Similarly, just like in my old barrio, in the Republican presidential-nomination battle, we can clearly see how the two Latino candidates, Sens. Marco Rubio (Florida) and Ted Cruz (Texas), go the extra mile to demonstrate their loyalty to their white peers and mostly white electorate with their anti-Latino immigrant agenda.
Mas…Que lastima! The GOP’s Latino candidates are anti-Latino
Donald Trump: ‘What’s puzzling you is the nature of my game’ (toons)
“Please allow me to introduce myself,” he said. “I’m a man of wealth and taste. I’ve been around for a long, long year, stole many a man’s soul and faith. Pleased to meet you; hope you guess my name. But what’s puzzling you is the nature of my game.”
Mas…Donald Trump: ‘What’s puzzling you is the nature of my game’ (toons)
Latino USA: Trump is good for business – the piñata business (audio)
“Jennifer De Benito could have had any piñata she wanted for her 14th birthday party. She chose a piñata of Donald Trump. The three-foot-tall piñatas depict Trump in a business suit with his infamous blonde hair and they’re flying off the shelves on both sides of the U.S.–Mexico border,” writes Samantha Clark.
“It all started last summer when Trump said Mexico was “bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists.”
“Jesús Márquez makes piñatas in Watsonville, a small farming town on the central coast of California. Márquez is from Mexico and says that although Trump’s comments are racist, they have been good for business.”
Maria Hinojosa of NPR’s Latino USA reports:
Mas…Latino USA: Trump is good for business – the piñata business (audio)
Late Night con Badía: What’s Pope Francis up to in Juarez? (video)
¿A qué viene el Papa a Juárez?
#ElLateNight #PapaFrancisco #ElPapaEnJuarez #ElPapaEnMX
Posted by El Late Night con Badía. on Sunday, February 14, 2016
En route to Juarez, Mexico, El Papa Francisco calls up Jesus Cristo to see maybe they can spend some fun time hanging out.
Ultimate ‘Mexican Standoff’ movie mashup has no Mexicans (videos)
“A Mexican standoff,” according to Wikipedia, “is a confrontation among two or more parties in which no participant can proceed or retreat without being exposed to danger.” ¡Orale! Let’s get some of those cinema standoff scenes and mash them up! [POCHO only presents this video after receiving assurances from responsible parties that “no actual Mexicans were harmed in the making of this mashup.” Your mileage may vary.]
The mashup highlights the “trio scene” from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, a classic example of film editing. The 1966 Western was directed by Sergio Leone, and starred Clint Eastwood before he lost his mind, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach. Check the scene out here:
Mas…Ultimate ‘Mexican Standoff’ movie mashup has no Mexicans (videos)
Attack of the Three-Headed GOP Kaiju Monster from Hell (toon)
Mas…Attack of the Three-Headed GOP Kaiju Monster from Hell (toon)
SPONSORED: Wrap yourself in the legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia
Antonin Scalia was the King of Judicial Jiggery-Pokery — until he was taken from us at the mean old age of 74.
His spirited defense of torture, based on something he saw Jack Bauer do on television’s 24, was truly his finest hour.
Mas…SPONSORED: Wrap yourself in the legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia