Sightings of creatures resembling the legendary chupacabra could mean bad news for area pets, according to KGTV Channel 10 ABC News.
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Hollywood producer’s Twitter feed highlights sexism in scripts
Film producer Ross Putman’s new Twitter feed @FemScriptIntros shares the lines from film scripts where female characters are introduced. To protect the innocent(?), Putman has changed all their names to JANE. The excerpts speak volumes about how “The Industry” thinks about women. Unlike all the women, it’s not a pretty picture.
Here is his Twitter feed in real time:
Mas…Hollywood producer’s Twitter feed highlights sexism in scripts
#TBT Video: When Donald Trump met ‘The Honeymooners’
Since it’s #TBT Throwback Thursday, we thought you’d enjoy the time Donald Trump appeared on TV’s The Honeymooners.
Pocho Ocho Top Facts You Need to Know About New Hampshire
Donald Trump’s and Bernie Sanders’ stunning victories Tuesday don’t make sense unless you know the hidden history of the state of New Hampshire.
That’s the reason we researched and compiled the Pocho Ocho Top Facts You Need to Know About New Hampshire:
8. New HAMpshire is known for its “HAM aroma” which inspired the hit song My Sharona
7. Coincidence or conspiracy? The ham-smelling state’s namesake [old] Hampshire, on England’s southern coast across the channel from France, smells like CHEESE
6. New Hampshire is very white. How white is it? New Hampshire is so white it makes the OSCARS look like a #BlackLivesMatter rally
Mas…Pocho Ocho Top Facts You Need to Know About New Hampshire
Bernardo Sanchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican bro, y Larry David (videos)
Un mensaje importante de Bernardo Sánchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican hermano. He’s Catholic. He’s Jewish. He’s a Cashjew. He’s NSFW.
And what would Bernie TV be without Larry David’s SNL sketch Bern Your Enthusiasm:
Mas…Bernardo Sanchez, Bernie Sanders’ Mexican bro, y Larry David (videos)
Ted Cruz campaign tracts warn of ‘Satan’s Spiritual Structure’
While Senator Ted Cruz (R-Canadia) was telling the crowd “To God be the Glory” [In Arabic, this is “Allahu Akbar”] in his Des Moines, Iowa victory speech Monday night, PNS snagged an example of the tracts campaign aides were passing out to the crowd — tracts detailing the Christian Sharia Law we can expect under President Cruz.
The rest of the tract is here….
Pocho Ocho top ways to tell it’s all over for JEB! (sad videos)
It’s not a good sign when you have to ask the crowd to “Please clap,” like former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Florida) at a New Hampshire campaign rally Tuesday.
JEB! may not yet be prepared to admit he’s already lost, but we are, Fat Lady or not. Here are the Pocho Ocho Top Ways to Tell It’s All Over for Jeb Bush:
8. Briefly lost consciousness after choking on a pretzel
7. Hired New Orleans/Katrina FEMA guy “Brownie” as replacement campaign manager
6. Spotted holding hands with Saudi royalty
Mas…Pocho Ocho top ways to tell it’s all over for JEB! (sad videos)
As sunny skies returned, did an OVNI/UFO visit Los Angeles? (video)
Did an Unidentified Flying Object/Objeto Volador No Identificado buzz La La land Monday? It looks like a bunch of runaway birthday balloons to us, but WTF, the truth is out there. Also, we want to believe.
What they complaining about? Of course the Oscars are diverse! (toon)
[Republished with special permission of our amigos at, which is launching soon!]
Pocho Ocho top lessons of the Iowa GOP caucuses (NSFW video)
What can we learn from the Senator Ted Cruz (R-Canadia) victory Monday in the Iowa GOP caucuses? It’s time to support CANADIANS FOR PRESIDENT! [NSFW video, one F-bomb.]
And what else? How about the Pocho Ocho Top Lessons We Learned from the Iowa GOP Caucuses:
8. He who smelt it, dealt it.
7. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry caucus.
6. I know you are, but what am I?
Mas…Pocho Ocho top lessons of the Iowa GOP caucuses (NSFW video)
Mexico DF: Romina la perra gets a 3-D printed prosthetic leg (video)
Romina the whippet, who lost her right front leg in a lawnmower accident, is being fitted with a new prosthetic limb, courtesy of the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidad del Valle de Mexico (UVM) in Mexico City. And they’re making the device with a 3-D printer.
Mas…Mexico DF: Romina la perra gets a 3-D printed prosthetic leg (video)
Sing along with Diana y Dela: It’s all about ‘Aqui y Ahora’ (video)
Ecuadorian-Peruvian-Miamian* pop duo Diana y Dela — Diana Mera and Mariadela — are all about the here and now in their new music video for the super catchy Aqui y Ahora.
Sing along with los lyrics en español and read them en ingles:
Mas…Sing along with Diana y Dela: It’s all about ‘Aqui y Ahora’ (video)
Gene genie: Mexico is happier than the average bear because science
Why are Mexicans happier than the average bear?
It’s in their genes, according to a new scientific paper, which asserts that nations with the highest prevalence of the A allele also perceive themselves happiest — countries like Ghana and Nigeria in West Africa, and northern Latin American nations like Mexico and Columbia.
Mas…Gene genie: Mexico is happier than the average bear because science