Netflix and Chill: MLK’s “I Have A Dream” 3rd grade style (photo)

Dear hungry homeless guy: You can eat tacos with our family (videos)

The staff at Taqueria Mexico on West Colfax Avenue in Denver asked a homeless man to leave Thursday night.

Not so fast, said patron Vanessa Varona, who was there with her family, and offered to buy him a meal.

FOX31 KDVR in Denver has the story:

DENVER — A Denver woman’s Facebook post is going viral after she said a local restaurant refused to serve a homeless customer.

Mas…Dear hungry homeless guy: You can eat tacos with our family (videos)

Pocho Ocho Top Ways You Can Tell El Chapo Has ‘Gone Hollywood’

pennelchapoEl Chapo’s secret meetup with Sean Penn was just the tip of the iceberg, Goldberg, whatever.

The notorious drug lord is a whole new vato now — and here are the Pocho Ocho Top Ways You Can Tell El Chapo Has “Gone Hollywood”:

8. He’s dating Kate Hudson

7. He’s on an all-cactus juice cleanse to drop weight for the upcoming pilot season

6. He just reached 200k followers on Instagram

Mas…Pocho Ocho Top Ways You Can Tell El Chapo Has ‘Gone Hollywood’

It’s time to elect our first woman President – Olive Oyl (video)

olive3Popeye’s beloved, the willowly Olive Oyl, thinks the country would be much better off with a lady president — President Olive Oyl!

olive1Her platform includes housing the homeless, a shorter work week, sweet sexy dreams, more silkworms, more drumsticks per chicken, and nuking a recalcitrant Congress with love darts.

We agree!

Mas…It’s time to elect our first woman President – Olive Oyl (video)

Pocho Ocho top ways El Chapo could escape again

elchapotunnelMexico has recaptured fugitive drug cartel jefe El Chapo Guzman –– who notoriously tunneled out of a high security prison last summer –- but the criminal mastermind isn’t done yet.

Sources tell our correspondents that Guzman’s narcotrafficante associates are already working on plans to bust the gangster out of his next cellblock; we’ve compiled this list of the Pocho Ocho Top Ways El Chapo Could Escape Again:

8. Trained bats

7. Incredible shrinking ray

6. Those gigantor worms from Tremors

Mas…Pocho Ocho top ways El Chapo could escape again

What happens when young deportees get sent back? (PBS video)

Even before the recent MIGRA raids targeting families denied asylum, hundreds of thousands of undocumented Mexican immigrants have been deported annually. Many were kids when their parents brought them over the border.

And those who grew up in the U.S. have found themselves living in what feels like a foreign country — Mexico. It’s like a dream Los Otros Dreamers never imagined.

PBS News Hour Special Correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro talked with some young people who are dealing with culture shock as they try to start over — strangers in a strange land.