Tunnels from 1531 discovered under streets of Puebla, Mexico (video)

pueblatunnelsThe urban legend is true.

There ARE massive tunnels underneath the streets of Puebla, one of the first major cities of Spanish-era Mexico.

RT reports:

“…authorities have now confirmed their existence, and say the secret passageways could date back 500 years. The city hopes to turn the tunnels into an attraction.

The underground passages, which measure approximately seven meters high and three meters wide, were discovered during public works in the colonial city.

Mas…Tunnels from 1531 discovered under streets of Puebla, Mexico (video)

Area man relieved Ashley Madison was hacked, not Ashley Mamon

ashley2 (PNS reporting from SAN BERNARDINO) A local Christian conservative anti-immigration blogger is relieved that the AshleyMadison.com adultery website was hacked, not the Latino gay hookup site AshleyMamon.com.

“Whoa I almost crapped my pantalones when I heard about Ashley Madison on a car radio some beaner was blasting in the next lane,” the 43-year-old insurance agent told PNS Thursday afternoon.

Mas…Area man relieved Ashley Madison was hacked, not Ashley Mamon

Trump represents the real GOP: Xenophobic, mean-spirited, pro top 1%

trumpheadroomIt’s not true that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump only represents the extreme wing or “crazies” of the GOP. As a leader in numerous polls, Trump exemplifies the true colors of the GOP: xenophobic, mean-spirited and pro one-percent.

Despite how the other GOP presidential candidates or Republican leadership view him or distance themselves from his vitriolic language, Trump’s boorish behavior and disdain towards Latino immigrants represents the Republican party’s political platform.

While Republican leaders have acknowledged that it’s impossible or not feasible to deport over 11 million undocumented immigrants, they have rejected a pathway to citizenship for those who live and work in America’s shadows. In lieu of citizenship, key Republican leaders propose a form of legal status without the opportunity for citizenship. Essentially, Republican leaders argue for a legalized, second-class group available for exploitable cheap labor.

Mas…Trump represents the real GOP: Xenophobic, mean-spirited, pro top 1%

The REAL problem with Kelly Osbourne’s racist toilet-cleaner remark

kellyo“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilets, Donald Trump?”

Uh. Yikes. Yikes yikes yikes.

By now you’re probably familiar with our latest racist media frenzy centered on remarks Kelly Osbourne made on The View, a response to the incredibly racist Donald Trump.

But she sounded just as racist.

Mas…The REAL problem with Kelly Osbourne’s racist toilet-cleaner remark