Mas…La Cucaracha: Home Depot credit card info hacked? (toon)
It’s News to Us!
Americans are worried about the chances of a future Ebola epidemic.
But is there really anything to be scared about? After all, there are Pocho Ocho diseases that are way more dangerous than Ebola:
8. Nobolas
7. Tres bolas
6. Cebolla
Mas…Pocho Ocho diseases that are way more dangerous than Ebola
(PNS reporting from HAVANA) Hey, kids! Now you can smell like dead Commies Che Guevara and/or Hugo Chavez with these two new scents from Cuba’s Labiofarm labs. (That’s “labio” not “labia,” you freaks.)
The just-announced perfume products could be a big source of hard currency for Venezuela‘s flagging economy, which Chavez poisoned and current Commandante Maduro is now kicking in the cojones.
The Hugo Chavez deal, insiders told PNS, was inspired by the Cuban regime’s multi-million-dollar revenue stream from the Che image licensing deal Comarade Fidel made with Nike (photo.)
Mas…New perfumes offer scents of dead Reds Che and Chavez (video)
Mexican-Americans — all 34 million — make up over two-thirds of the U.S. Latino population according to the Pew Research Organization:
Mas…Who are these so-called U.S. ‘Hispanics’? They’re Mex to the max
Hispanic or Latino? This question comes up all the time, and not just during Hispanic Heritage Month, which we insist on calling Latino Heritage Month.
Is there a trend? We asked the Google NGram Viewer to search their big index of published books to see how many times the word “Latino” and the word “Hispanic” were used over time.
Mas…What’s in a trend? Google tracks ‘Latino’ and ‘Hispanic’ over time
The undocumented immigrants impacted by the bombing of the World Trade Center were practically invisible to the government and agencies that were supposed to help them, two academics reported Tuesday.
The victims and their families were never properly counted because of their social and political isolation from wider society:
Study authors Alexandra Délano and Benjamin Nienass explain:
Over 1900 people in Jalisco, the official-looking English-sounding allegedly Guinness World Records guy says in the video, set a new world record this week for the most people singing a “round.” The round in question was Cielito Lindo, and the town was Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico. Some news channel from Indonesia reports, you decide.
Mas…1900 sing ‘Cielito Lindo’ in Jalisco = Guinness World Record (video)
Thank God for patriots like the Minutemen, who are mobilizing a militia to stop the hordes of refugee children invading our country. These volunteer vigilantes are fighting the fiendish conspiracy which wants to Latino-ize America! The Daily Show’s Michael Che is on the case.
(PNS reporting from MIAMI) Gerardo Lamas, the official spokesman for all Hispanics in the United States, resigned Wednesday night.
“This is a bullshit job and I’ll never be able to please anybody,” he told PNS in a late-night phone call. “I mean, I’ve been at this for a while, and let me tell you, it hasn’t gotten any easier. Que effin’ lastima, right? I’m throwing up my hands!”
“The truth is it’s ridiculous to expect one person to be able to speak for millions from diverse backgrounds, geopolitical situations, economic castes and region-specific cultures,” he said. “Rachel Maddow calls, Fox News calls, Esteban Colberto calls, and even your guy Al Madrigal from The Daily Show calls. Thank God for Caller ID!”
Mas…Official spokesman for U.S. Hispanics quits: ‘It’s a bullshit job!’
(PNS reporting from MASSACHUSETTS) A burrito is not a sandwich, you idiots, according to a court decision announced here last week.
Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Locke made the ruling as he threw out a lawsuit brought by a Panera restaurant seeking to stop White City Shopping Center in Shrewbsury from leasing space to a franchisee of the Qdoba Mexican Grill chain.
Panera’s lease prevents the center from renting space to a (competing) sandwich shop.
[The judge] cited Webster’s Dictionary as well as testimony from a chef and a former high-ranking federal agriculture official in ruling that Qdoba’s burritos and other offerings are not sandwiches.
Now that Obama has been elected and re-elected, we’re in a post-racial society, right? And the death of an [another] unarmed black teenager at the hand of a white cop isn’t about race at all. Anti-American liberals, you see, are playing the race card again. Jon Stewart explains.
Me llamo el Señor Chang y seré su profesor de español en este semestre.
Italian artist MISTERTHOMS paints a mural in Italy.
Escaping criminal gangs in Central America and crossing Mexico to enter the U.S. without papers is only the first step in a long journey, a journey with an ending that remains unknown.
The Intercept tells the story:
A few nights ago, Ana crossed illegally into the United States from Guatemala. Her husband paid a coyote $4,000 to smuggle Ana and their son through the lowland jungles of southern Mexico, up the San Pedro river to the Texas border.
“A gang was after us,” Ana says in a daze, digging her knuckles into her cheeks to stay awake. She and her child were just released from a 48-hour stay at a detention center where it was too cold to sleep.
Archeologists have re-discovered two ancient Mayan cities deep in the Yucatan jungle — massive cities with plazas, buildings and pyramids, some over six stories high.
One spectacular find was a monster mouth portal carved with a stylized earth monster eye and fangs along the doorway jamb (photo.)
The cities, Lagunita and Tamchen, flourished in what is called the Late and Terminal Classic periods (600-1000 A.D.).
Mas…Massive ancient Mayan cities found deep in Mexican jungle
An earthquake last week opened up a giant fissure in the desert west of Hermosillo, in the northern Mexican state of Sonora. The crack in the earth is 1 kilometer long and up to 25 feet deep in some stretches. This drone video shows Nature’s awesome power.
Maybe I grew up in a mostly Latino and African American neighborhood because that was where my parents could pay rent.
Maybe they could only pay rent there because my parents immigrated into this country with only a bag of clothes. Maybe they worked 16 hrs a day 7 days a week in ranches cutting cabbage. Maybe they worked 2 or 3 jobs, and yet it was barely enough to get by.
Mas…Maybe I grew up in a Latino and African-American neighborhood
(PNS reporting from IRVINE, CA) Roland Vega, 33, formerly known as “Rolando,” has come to an important moment in his life: He’s transitioned from a “Chicano” to a “Hispanic.”
The decision to change the way he self-identifies came as somewhat of a shock to his family and his homeboys, but not necessarily to Vega’s former Hispanic fraternity brothers.
He made the announcement on Facebook Sunday night.
“You know, Roli — er, I mean, Roland — was always the most radical Chicano in the fraternity, but c’mon man, he was studying accounting. I kinda always knew he was going to end up a Hispanic,” said Ed Taboada, Vega’s college roommate.
Mas…Local Chicano decides to start calling himself ‘Hispanic’