Around Our Town: What to do, where to go this Mother’s Day Weekend

BRUNCH: Nothing makes for a mellow mom like the All You Can Drink Micheladas Mother’s Day Brunch at stylish Bar Racho at the Ritchie Valens Hilton on East Olmos Boulevard.

Executive Jefe Gustaco Naranjero once again promises his extensive buffet featuring a soft and hard taco station, the always-popular Holy Habanero salsa challenge and the spectacular Flan Fountain.

New this year is the Fusion Fiesta featuring creations like the Banh Mi Burrito, the Tamales de Lox and the Philly Cheesesteak Chimichangas. Don’t miss the free giveaway of the new mini Tapatio espray bottles for when you absolutely, positively need to spice stuff up.

Mas…Around Our Town: What to do, where to go this Mother’s Day Weekend

Happy May Day 2023 from the Workers of the World (video, lyrics)


Enjoy the Internacional, the world-wide (Get it? It’s international!) anthem of those commie cabrones in Russia and Cuba and Venezuela and China and North Korea (and lurking in secretive LGBT drag queen story hour grooming cells here in the Homeland but the lamestream media won’t tell you that).

Today, May 1, is May Day AKA International Workers’ Day, when the comrades sing this stirring appeal, with its hummable melody and a vague vision of making the future great again that’s hard to disagree with, except maybe the LUCHA FINAL aspect.

Mas…Happy May Day 2023 from the Workers of the World (video, lyrics)