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Pinche pocha wakes up from surgery talking like a bloody Brit (video)
A ruca Tejana named Lisa Alamia had jaw surgery and emerged from the operation with a British accent.
It’s a rare but documented medical condition called foreign accent syndrome that typically occurs after people emerge from comas and other brain trauma.
This pinche pocha claims that the only foreign country she’s ever been to is Mexico — and we don’t mean San Antonio. Lisa doesn’t even watch Downton Abbey, let alone eat fish and chips.
Mas…Pinche pocha wakes up from surgery talking like a bloody Brit (video)
Deported moms in Tijuana long for families, work for reform (video)
In Dreaming in Tijuana deported mothers fight for immigration reform in the United States. The anguish of family separation has turned them into activists who promote the U.S. Latino vote from the Mexican side of the world’s “most transited” border. [Video via Univision.]
Study: Trump “deranges” bridge players’ “no trump” games – or not
In competitive bridge, where card players employ a “no trump” game, the real world “yes Trump” manifestation is causing players to become “subtly deranged,” researchers reported on Friday.
Or maybe not. StatNews reports:
Mas…Study: Trump “deranges” bridge players’ “no trump” games – or not
President Trump presents his new, yuuuge border wall (video)
“It’s the best wall ever,” says President Trump. “It’s amazing! No more mariachis interrupting your dinner!”
Words of the prophet are written on the subway wall (videos)
The words of the prophet are written on the subway wall — in this case the Carroll Street F/G stop in Brooklyn.
Mas…Words of the prophet are written on the subway wall (videos)
Chicago to Mexico City: We stand with the teachers of Oaxaca (posters)
Chicago artist CHema Skandal! is standing with the teachers of Oaxaca and designed these posters in support. “OaxaCAN!” he notes. Multiforo Alicia — a DF cultural center — is printing and distributing them in Mexico City.
Mas…Chicago to Mexico City: We stand with the teachers of Oaxaca (posters)
Olmeca to the kids: ‘Dump Trump and F* the Police’ (audio)
“Dump Trump?” “F* the police”? Wassup with that?
“I wrote this for the kids!,” hip hop artist and activist Olmeca says.
He explains it this way::
Mas…Olmeca to the kids: ‘Dump Trump and F* the Police’ (audio)
Costa Rican man miraculously cooks own dinner
Suegra remains skeptical that he didn’t receive assistance
(PNS reporting from LIBERIA, COSTA RICA) Local man Ramón Sosa Quesada stunned his friends and family Saturday when he single-handedly cooked his own dinner after finding himself home alone with no prepared meal.
Sosa, whose wife goes to choir practice on Saturday evenings, said he felt completely lost when he could only find dry rice and raw platanos in the family’s kitchen. He then fell into complete panic when he tried to order servicio express from A’s Chicken and realized his cell phone was out of saldo and he’d spent his final colones on a 6-pack of Rock Ice Limon.
“Mae, I was really looking forward to some steamy hot A’s in my mouth,” Sosa said. “I tried eating dried pasta, coffee grains, garlic cloves, everything. When I saw an advertisement for Popeye’s Chicken on TV, I collapsed to the floor and wept.”
Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera: ‘A Father’s Day Tale’ (video)
Poet Laureate of the United States 2015-2017, Juan Felipe Herrera, tells a story and plays a song for Father’s Day.
Japanese fans made this Donald Trumpトランプ2016commercial
トランプ2016 Donald Trumpu for World President 2016, the J-Pop way! So kawaii!
So you say you want to build a wall… (toon)
[Original chile pepper photo here. Gracias!]
Hopeful candidates begin election year Hispandering (audio)
As the election cycle heats up, hopeful candidates try to gain Hispanic/Latino support, but we won’t get fooled again.
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz and POCHO Associate Naranjero Gustavo ¡Ask a Mexican! Arellano spill the Hispandering beans on Maria Hinojosa’s Latino USA.
Mas…Hopeful candidates begin election year Hispandering (audio)