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Mexican farmer built pyramid because space aliens from Orion (videos)
Raymundo Corona built a stone pyramid on his farm near the Mexico-U.S. border on orders from a tall alien from the Constellation Orion named Herulayka, who had honey-colored eyes and white hair, like many Orionians, except for those other Orionians with honey-colored hair and white eyes, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Mas…Mexican farmer built pyramid because space aliens from Orion (videos)
Fans furious as SiriusXM deports 80% of Latin music channels
Is SiriusXM ignorant, or racist, or both?
That’s the question burning up the social media as the Latin music community reacts to the satellite channel’s dropping 8 out of 10 Latin music streams.
With little notice to listeners, labels or artists over the last few months, SiriusXM has eliminated eight out of 10 of its Latin music channels on their satellite platform.
And now some Latino civil rights groups are blasting the decision.
Mas…Fans furious as SiriusXM deports 80% of Latin music channels
‘Mexican Judge’ Reveals Pocho Ocho Top Secrets of Trump University
Newly unsealed federal fraud lawsuit records show that unqualified instructors and abusive sales tactics weren’t the only “trade secrets” Trump University was trying to hide.
Sworn testimony and company documents — ordered released by Indiana-born “Mexican judge” Gonzalo Curiel of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California — also revealed these Pocho Ocho Top Shameful Secrets of Trump University:
8. Trump University cafeteria’s “taco bowls” were based on a recipe rejected by Rick Bayless.
7. Trump University sales staffers (“admission counselors”) who didn’t make assigned quotas were dressed as gorillas and dropped off in Cincinnati.
6. Course outline for URBAN REAL ESTATE REDEVELOPMENT included a seminar entitled “Evicting a three-generation family business and replacing it with a chain retailer is easy if you just remember these three letters: K, K and K.”
Mas…‘Mexican Judge’ Reveals Pocho Ocho Top Secrets of Trump University
The Daily Show: Can Trump change his image with Latinos?
On the new Daily Show, new Senior Latina Contributor Eliza Cossio explains to Trevor Noah how Donald Trump can change his image with Latinos.
Shamans summon traditional spirits to make Peru great again (video)
Fruits, flowers, conch shells, special potions, and chingon hats were in season outside the National Stadium in Lima, Peru, Monday, as two sets of shamans cast spells aimed at bringing their rival presidential candidates a victory in next week’s Presidential runoff election.
Mas…Shamans summon traditional spirits to make Peru great again (video)
Costa Rica experts say virgin sacrifice would ease volcanic activity
(PNS reporting from HEREDIA, COSTA RICA) Eruptions from the Turrialba Volcano continued Thursday, spewing even more ash into the air.
The explosions are the most recent in the increasingly violent activity from the volcano. Scientists are warning that if preventative measures are not taken soon, the entire central valley will become covered by pigpen-levels of ash.
Mas…Costa Rica experts say virgin sacrifice would ease volcanic activity
Potty protestors crazier than Michele Bachmann on bath salts (video)
Liberal Redneck Trae Crowder is sortly over hearin’ people carry on about their personal beliefs as it relates to civil rights [NSFW language]:
Nobody’s trying to take your rights. We’re just trying to keep you from doing that to other people. I know you’re a white person in America, so I can see why you’d think this, but telling other people how to live is not a right you have.
You can catch Crowder on tour with the Well Red Comedy crew. Here’s the schedule.
Looks legit: How to make fish tacos (one-minute video)
Summer’s coming, that means beach weather, and that means seafood, like the Baja California favorite, fish tacos. Did you know that the great majority of “native” videos on Facebook are viewed without sound? This is one of those new-fangled recipe videos you can watch without sound, although you’ll miss the perky music. The recipe is pretty good, too.
Here’s the recipe from the Web Restaurant Store (they made the video):
Weeping Virgin Mary statue in Fresno draws the faithful (video)
The statue of La Virgen de Guadalupe in Maria Cardena’s living room in the central California city of Fresno appears to weeping, and she thinks it’s a miracle.
A statue of the Virgin Mary in Fresno appears to be weeping. The family who owns the statue calls it a miracle and said it’s been happening for a while.
To the faithful, Maria Cardenas said the statue of the Virgin Mary is a blessing. Tears seem to well up in her right eye and stream down her face to her chin.
Cardenas said it’s beautiful the way she looks right now. Every tear, she said, is nothing short of a miracle. So she collects them in a glass and shares them with those who find their way to this home.
Mas…Weeping Virgin Mary statue in Fresno draws the faithful (video)