El Now
It’s News to Us!
By @buttronica: I ramble and maybe I’m too dark at times, but damn!
Economists say once a person has been unemployed for six months it is highly unlikely they will reenter the workforce.
It’s been a year since I was fired from my job and I feel like a BIG GIANT LOSER.
It wasn’t anything I did in particular. I thought for sure that one time I asked Floyd Mayweather if “he likes to take his work home with him” would do me in, alas, it was far more uneventful.
“We’ve decided not to renew your contract.”
“Um, OK.”
And it’s not like I’m totally unemployed. I regularly walk a dog named Jimmy Fallon — this causes great confusion when I nonchalantly say, “Jimmy Fallon growled at me today,” (though for the most part he is quite lovely, other than eating his own poop).
Mas…By @buttronica: I ramble and maybe I’m too dark at times, but damn!
From New Zealand: Donald Trump? Are you kidding? (video plus lyrics)
DONALD TRUMP – MUNTED comes from NZ's Most Munted who note that “Here in New Zealand, “munted” is slang for ‘damaged or unusable’… like Earth after Donageddon.” [NSFW? Mild profanity.]
What does the sheep say?So have you heard of ‘The Don’?
He’s like a nitrogen bomb
All bluff and bullshit bewareWith ‘Non-Belieber –bleached hair
This whole scenario’s wrong
His goal is ‘Boss USA’
Don’t need your votes, he can pay
Tells voters that he’s self-madeMas…From New Zealand: Donald Trump? Are you kidding? (video plus lyrics)
Quebec kid pinpoints lost Mayan city because constellations
A 15-year-old from Quebec, Canada, has pinpointed the location of a lost Mayan city, and he found it by looking at the stars.
A 15-year-old boy believes he has discovered a forgotten Mayan city using satellite photos and Mayan astronomy.
Maya civilization chose the location of its towns and cities according to its star constellations.
Mas…Quebec kid pinpoints lost Mayan city because constellations
Cooking students in Tabasco make world’s longest tamal (videos)
Gastronomy students at the Tabasco campus of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara broke a Guinness world record Saturday with the world’s longest tamal — a tamal wrapped in Yucatan-style banana leaves instead of the corn husks used in other parts of Mexico.
And remember, kids, there is NO SUCH THING AS A “TAMALE:”
Mas…Cooking students in Tabasco make world’s longest tamal (videos)
In Puebla, MX, narco cartel killers crush French gangsters
(PNS reporting from PUEBLA, MX) Federales have finished cleaning up the streets of this southeastern city after a three-day battle between area gangsters and a French gang left 83 locals and 462 gabachos dead, PNS has learned.
The Marseilles gang (“La Eme”) — sent to collect a drug debt allegedly owed by the Puebla-based Ignacio Zaragosa clika (the “Zetas”) — was overwhelmed by the fierce Mexican gangbangers.
Faulty HUMINT (human intelligence) was also a factor.
Based on bogus tips from informants who called themselves “los mentirosos,” which La Eme interpreted as “mentors,” the frogs engaged the enemy at noon. La Eme expected the Zeta sentries to be taking siestas with their sombreros pulled so low they couldn’t see the advancing gunmen. And the close-by burros? The French plan relied on the overhwhelming odor of naturally estanky donkeys to mask the telltale scent of French breath-de-fromage.
But the Zetas were not asleep and those weren’t your mother’s burritos.
Mas…In Puebla, MX, narco cartel killers crush French gangsters
MashiMachine makes Ecuador’s president say what you want
Check out this web app where you can make a video with the words you put in the mouth of Rafael Correa, the anti-free speech President of Ecuador.
And here he thought he was the only person allowed to say anything without fear of repression. Not on our Internet, amigo.
I’d love to see a Trump version of MashiMachine!
Waiter at Mexican restaurant feeds man with no hands (photo, video)
Facebook member Reginald Widener was chowing down on some Mexican food in suburban Atlanta Sunday when something extraordinary happened. A photo and caption from his Facebook page tell the story:
We also grabbed this video:
Mas…Waiter at Mexican restaurant feeds man with no hands (photo, video)
Gourmet kosher Mexican food makes Judíos happy in WLA (video)
Katsuji Tanabe, of MexiKosher, MR POCHO’s favorite Japanese-Mexican-American West Los Angeles kosher chef, is now serving hamburguesas made from a special blend of three cuts of beef. With beef bacon. And soy “cheese.” West Los represent!
Mas…Gourmet kosher Mexican food makes Judíos happy in WLA (video)
Can fish skin ‘leather’ zapatos save endangered reptiles? (video)
A shoe manufacturing firm in Leon, Guanajuato, says that “leather” made from fish skin is a viable alternative to leather made from the skin of endangered reptiles. We’re just wondering if there are enough suitable fish for the production lines to scale.
First Person: ¡Que Viva El Bernie El Sanders!
I just came from a Bernie Sanders rally in Los Angeles…my car is heating up so I got a ride from my son Angelo…who is my biggest supporter…
Anyway he took me to the Bernie Sanders march on Martin Luther King Boulevard today. He dropped me off and headed back to Santa Ana… I had no idea how I was going to get back home. All I knew is that I had to go and march and rally for Bernie el Sanders.
Que Viva el Bernie Sanders.
I got there right on time the march was just getting started woohoo.
There was no TV stations no media just a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters — pura gente claro que Si.
Trump Space Enterprises presents ‘Make Space Great Again’ (video)
Captain’s Blog. StarDate 2016.04.21:
We’ve arrived in the Bozo Sector where I shall begin my campaign to make space great again.
Our Lady of Liberty: Harriet Tubman (toon)
[There’s lots more from Alex Garcia de Aztlan on the Instagram.]