‘Far Alamo’ is the epic battle they never taught you in school (video)

Alien invaders tried to mess with the gringos at the Alamo in 1836, but they didn’t count on brave defenders Laurence Harvey, John Wayne, Richard Widmark, Charles Bronson, Yul Brynner, James Coburn, Clint Eastwood, Henry Fonda, Terence Hill, Steve McQueen, Gian Maria Volonte, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach. Far Alamo documents the epic battle they never taught you in school.

[Mashup by Fabrice Mathieu.]

Manic Hispanic: ‘Lowriders from Mars/Cholo Revolution’ (video)

SoCal punqueros Manic Hispanic persist in their brave/loco plan to drop a new recording every week. Lowriders for Mars is from their soon-to-be-released EP Al Rato and Thanks for All the Chanklas. [NSFW F-bomb at the end.]

Lyrics here:

Mas…Manic Hispanic: ‘Lowriders from Mars/Cholo Revolution’ (video)

Taxi driver videos a UFO/OVNI over Villa Mercedes, San Luis, AR

Dude was out driving his taxi last week in Villa Mercedes, in the province of San Luis, Argentina, when he started having electrical problems with his car. First the radio went crazy. Then the car died. Then he saw this thing in the sky. But what was it? Doh! It was an UNIDENTIFIED flying object — an objeto volador NO IDENTIFICADO.

More at INEXPLICATA, the Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy. FWIW, Inexplicata locates the incident in San Luis, MX, but we think that’s wrong.

Miami Latina running for Congress took a trip on a UFO (video)

Three tall, blonde-haired space aliens kidnapped her and took her for a ride in their UFO, which was controlled by quartz rocks, she said. Now Republican entrepreneur Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera (pictured with non-alien tall blonde — we think) is seeking the GOP nomination for Florida’s 27th Congressional District.

The NY Post has some deets:

Mas…Miami Latina running for Congress took a trip on a UFO (video)

Got Leche? Ask your doctor if UFO cow nipple is right for you! (video)

We asked Google Translate for help with the title of this video –らくのうマザーズCM らくのう牛乳 牛乳ビーム編.

Here’s what we got back: “Ramones no Mothers CM Dairy milk milk milk beam.” The text under the video? “Milk is poured directly from the UFO into the cup which the children have! What? I express taste direct delivery.”

So now you know, too.