It was a day in the country Alberto Tavernise will never forget. First he shot an alien and then he got snatched.
Mas…Argentine hunter shoots four-fingered ‘gray’ ET, gets abducted
We Wish We Were There
It was a day in the country Alberto Tavernise will never forget. First he shot an alien and then he got snatched.
Mas…Argentine hunter shoots four-fingered ‘gray’ ET, gets abducted
Rockets’ red glare? Bombs bursting in air? Nope, just your typical cigar-shaped glowing Objeto Volador No Identificado flying over an erupting Volcan de Colima on July 4.
Mexico’s Colima volcano is erupting again, and the spectacular explosions attracted the attention of our Space Brothers, whose recent visits were captured by the 24/7 webcams pointed at the magic mountain.
Chupacabra? Witch? What exactly did this Colombian farmer shoot and why are the dogs barking?
Mas…Colombia farmer kills mysterious critter: El Chupacabra? (video)
A dedicated UFO/Alien/Conspiracy blogger gets the close encounter of a lifetime when a saucer buzzes his back yard. And then sh!t gets real.
Times are tough in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez‘ successor Commandante El Presidente Nicolas Maduro’s command economy has people scrambling for toilet paper as socialist shit production has outpaced the supply of papel higiénico.
But that’s not all! Last month, a half dozen people witnessed a glowing OVNI/UFO hovering above a cemetery near the sad country’s capital.
Héctor Escalante’s original Spanish report was translated by Inexplicata:
LiveLeak’s Jeffrey Barber has some serious warnings for you guys so listen up, K?
The pulsating you can see on this desk are YOYO NIOPION. These are extraterrestrial termites. They voraciously consumer not only wood, but everything. I mean EVERYTHING! but stone. They eat glass, steel, aluminum, plastic, wood, but most of all, they like, lithium. They thrive on lithium.
The two places that lithium is big in our reality are batteries, and in our brains. The YOYO NIOPION eat both of these things.
Scary, right? You don’t know the half of it!
Mas…Mexclusive: Beware the New World Order Deadly Space Termites
What was it? A meteorite or an OVNI/UFO? Area kids captured a cellphone video of something hovering over Buenos Aires.
Inexplicata explains:
Argentina: Alleged UFO over Buenos Aires Excites Social Media
A group of kids recording a noctural foray on a cellphone had a surprise. A phenomenon lit up the skies in several districts of Buenos Aires.
California-born Yari Rodriguez wants to be a crew member on that one-way trip to Mars – but she’s scared.
For Smith College engineering grad Rodriguez, the most terrifying thing about a one-way trip to Mars isn’t a rocket malfunction, lack of oxygen, or the probability of death on Mars, she told Fox News Latino. It’s the cameras.
“It’s the scariest part about the whole mission,” Rodriguez, 27, said. “I’m really shy and nervous…I’ve been coming to terms with being on TV.”
Mas…Pocha Yari Rodriguez wants to live (and die?) on Mars (video)
A TV production crew in Lima, Peru, has videotaped a purple disc-shaped OVNI/UFO hovering near a construction site.
Television show Alto al Crimen was shooting an episode in the upscale Miraflores district on February 10, when the show’s host, Congressman Renzo Reggiardo, stopped an interview to allow his cameraman to shoot the strange-looking object:
Mas…TV crew records purple OVNI/UFO hovering over Lima, Peru (videos)
Either a giant horse or a UFO/OVNI shaped like a giant horse appeared suddenly over Mexico’s Colima volcano last week.
“WTF is going on?” asked Britain’s Daily Mail:
- Collecting samples for your home planet?
- Dark UFO resembling a flying horse is caught on film hovering by erupting Mexican volcano
- Object was spotted close to volcano Colima located in western Mexico
- Appeared to have two legs and came into view out of nowhere
- Witness said it looked like a ‘horse’ with a ‘very large body’
- Authorities said it is most likely a drone – they are currently investigating
Mas…WTF is it? A horse-shaped UFO/OVNI hovers over Colima volcano (video)
MiJA Elise Roedenbeck, formerly a professional geek*, wonders if computers make our brains less creative. Since half of Elise’ cabeza is exposed to Mutant Moon Rays from Outer Espace synergistically multiplied by the Reality Distortion Field generated by her MacBook Pro, it was urgent she get an answer as quickly as possible. In this case, it took her only 3:03.
PRO TIP: Elise’s high tech screen name on the Twitter is @buttronica, so you know she’s right, especially when POCHO Migrant Editor Al Madrigal shows up on her list as #1 most creative comedian. 🙂
Here’s Buttronica’s video:
Mas…Elise @Buttronica Roedenbeck: Do computers zap our creativity? (video)
That awkward moment when you review footage of a January 6 encounter between gangsters and Federales in Michoacan and you notice a spherical, metallic OVNI/UFO hovering overhead.
A Mexican mountain rescue team has photographed giant creatures climbing the slopes of Popocatepetl faster than humanly possible.
Mas…Mexican ski patrol spots El Bigfoot climbing Popocatepetl (video)
Recent eyewitness reports, still photos and videos of UFO/OVNIs over Colombia have some observers wondering if this South American country is a top space alien tourist destination while other, more skeptical, observers cry “shenanigans!”
The media has picked up on a few alleged UFO videos from Colombia, prompting some to ask whether it is a new UFO hotspot. Many of the facts regarding the videos have been misreported by UFO websites, causing confusion and dubious conclusions on their part. Furthermore, some researchers think the objects in the videos are likely very terrestrial in origin.
Mas…Recent UFO/OVNI videos put (alien hotspot?) Colombia on edge
Beware of El Lado Oscuro!
Mas…Star Wars: ‘The Force Awakens/El Despertar de la Fuerza’ (video)
An Unidentified Flying Object/Objeto Volador No Identificado flew over a nuclear power plant in Veracruz, Mexico two weeks ago. It was not the first time. Why are they here? What do they want?
Mas…UFO/OVNI buzzes nuclear power plant in Veracruz, Mexico (video)
UFO researchers gathered in Presidio, Texas this weekend for the annual Border Zone UFO festival, where Kenneth Dudley warned of a “possible conflict between the [space] aliens and humans” over “nuclear weapons.”
Mas…Texas Border Zone UFO experts fear space aliens with nukes (video)
Reports of vari-colored luminous OVNIs and strange beings with big heads are coming from “dozens of eyewitnesses who claim having seen them in broad daylight and under various circumstances. Not merely one, but several of them flying over the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa [Argentina], and several localities of this region,” according to Inexplicata:
Mas…Extraterrestres y UFOs/OVNIs visit Santa Rosa, Argentina
There’s no name attached to Case Number 60066 in the Mutual UFO Network database. It’s an anonymous report submitted about an strange incident two weeks ago — Monday night, September 22 — and it follows two other unusual occurrences in San Bernardino County, east of Los Angeles:
Mas…San Berdoo man chants, sees blue UFO fly into a doorway in the sky
SoCal pochos Cutty Flam say their music is the sound track to a 1950’s B-Movie starring Ritchie Valens opposite Betty Page directed by Quentin Tarantino. Señor Cutty sings and plays guitar, Ms. Bang Bangs kicks butt on vocals and drums and Chewy Lewy is the man on bass. In Sugga, a black and white home movie from the future, Cutty Flam saves themselves (or their body doubles) from a sky burst of meteorites with a white box of something that’s not wrapped in aluminum foil and doesn’t attract falling prop rocks. Also there is a greedy music promoter, a life support transfusion, a dead band member RIP, auditions, more aluminum foil and surf style guitar. We know — it’s everything you ever wanted in a music video. Plus Spanglish!
Mas…Cutty Flam’s new Spanglish ‘Sugga’ has space rocks, explosions! (video)
Down on the planet, it’s war. But for two astronauts from “enemy countries,” Orbitas is a trajectory for love. [Short video from Spanish animation school PrimeFrame.]
The United States faked a Moon landing 45 years ago today. FUSION Space Cadet Elise Roedenbeck reports. [Roedenbeck patrols several quadrants of the Twitterverse on the Federation Star Cruiser Buttronica.)
When we reported in February that the famous ancient elongated skulls of Paracas, Peru contained alien DNA, we thought it was all scientific and stuff.
Here’s what we wrote.
Mas…No, ancient Peruvians didn’t have alien DNA because science