Hundred paraded through the streets of Mexico City last weekend to celebrate Dia de Los Muertos, aka Day of the Dead.
Our Videos, Their Videos Tambien.
Latinos boo Senator ‘Little’ Marco Rubio at Orlando fiesta (audio, video)
If was not a fun fiesta for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FLA) Sunday when Orlando festival goers greeted his appearance with a chorus of yells, jeers and boos.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio got booed off a stage in Orlando on Sunday, by a crowd that was overwhelmingly Latino.
It happened at Calle Orange, a street festival in downtown Orlando geared toward the city’s large Puerto Rican community. The icy reception was an indication of the challenges that Rubio, a Republican of Cuban heritage, has faced in locking down support from Latinos in Florida as the state’s Latino electorate has begun to shift to the left….
“I’m going to introduce a man who represents Latinos, no matter where you’re from,” the emcee boomed in Spanish. The boos grew louder still. “Ladies and gentlemen, the senator for the state of Florida, a Latino like you and me … his name is Marco Rubio! Applaud!”
We’ve got video and audio:
Mas…Latinos boo Senator ‘Little’ Marco Rubio at Orlando fiesta (audio, video)
R U READY? It’s time for ‘The Donald Victory Dance!’ (video)
Can you Dance Like Donald? All the kool kids are doing it! [Video by BlueDogFilms.]
Casting Call: Do it again, but this time act ‘Mor Mexican!’ (video)
In Mor Mexican! Mexico City-born actor Ricardo “Pekas” Aranda eats a McXican Burger for the casting director. But is he acting Hispanic enough? Maybe makeup and wardrobe can help.
Donald Trump’s campaign bus breaks down in Florida (animated GIF)
[From the Internets. Author unknown. Thank you, though.]
How to make Dia de Los Muertos calaveras (skulls) from paper (video)
Hey, kids, teachers, parents, and/or enthusiastic paper cutters! Here’s how to make Dia de Los Muertos Calaveras with just a sheet of paper and a pair of scissors. [Video by art instructor Jaime Shilen.]
Salsa band Grupo Descarrilao: Trump is a ‘Bully’ (NSFW music video)
New York hiphop-rock-salsa band Grupo Descarrilao is beyond ready to stop Donald Trump the Bully. Are you? Register. Vote. VOTOLATINO can help. [NSFW adult language.]
A Madrefoca Film: ‘La Madre Buena’ and the Trump piñata (video)
When your kid really really really wants a Donald Trump piñata for his birthday party, a good mom — La Madre Buena — knows what to do.
NYC riot grrrls Le Tigre reunite for p*ssy-themed “I’m With Her” (video)
NYC electroclash band Le Tigre reunite to pledge their support for La Hillary in their first new song in over a decade, I’m With Her. [Video by Laura Parnes.]
All we are asking: ‘Who’s Gonna Build That Wall?’ (music video)
Donald Trumpendejo wants a wall on the border with Mexico. “Who’s Gonna Build That Wall?” ask singers and writers Chip Taylor and Carrie Rodriguez. [Video by Jeth Weinrich.] But who is Chip Taylor?
Weather forecast for President Trump’s Inauguration Day (video)
Oh, the weather outside will be frightful — on President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. [Video by Save The Day.]
Hateline, Las Vegas: This is your country on Trump (Fox 5 News video)
In Henderson, Nevada, an angry Anglo Trump supporter was caught on video last week cursing at Latino construction workers, calling them “illegals,” “wetbacks” and worse. Fox 5 Las Vegas reporter Miguel Martinez-Valle went to find out why the pinche potty-mouthed gringo pendejo was so angry.
CALL FOR COMMENTS: Have any of you pochos been subject to similar harassment lately?
Tell us below!
What do real Americans say about Donald Trump? (video)
Forget the conspiracy of (((International Bankers))) and the (((Media Elite))) who are ganged up on Donald Trump. What do real voters have to say?
Bob Dylan 2010,1964: The Times They Are A-Changin’ (videos,lyrics)
Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature Bob Dylan is a poet and a prophet, and he sang his 1964 prophecy for the Obamas and America at the White House: The Times They Are A-Changin’. [Scroll to bottom of the page for a live in 1964 version.]
These lyrics contain a hopeful vision and a warning. Some changes are STILL overdue, and some folks need to step back, and get out of the way.
Mas…Bob Dylan 2010,1964: The Times They Are A-Changin’ (videos,lyrics)
CRUMBLES: School to prison pipeline hurts kids of color (music video)
They’re just kids. And the system makes them into criminals. Crumbles, a remake of the title song from Akira Boch’s film The Crumbles, was written and sung by Maya Jupiter and features live hand-drawn art by POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz.
Mas…CRUMBLES: School to prison pipeline hurts kids of color (music video)
In ‘El Paso,’ Marty Robbins fell in love with a Mexican girl (video)
El Paso was a huge hit for Marty Robbins in 1960. It’s the sad tale of two gringos and one mujer — the dark-eyed dancing Felina.
Here are the lyrics:
Mas…In ‘El Paso,’ Marty Robbins fell in love with a Mexican girl (video)
San Diego y TJ band PRAYERS represent for ‘Mexica’ (NSFW music video)
Striking footage shot at San Diego’s Chicano Park sets the stage in the dramatic new music video Mexica, so that alt-goth-punk-Chicano-rap duo PRAYERS can decolonize your mind with music. [NSFW F-bombs, etc.]
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK – the NSFW music video
On November 8, PUSSY GRABS BACK!. [Music video by Kim Boekbinder.] (NSFW F-Bomb.)
Tremendous Trump action figure ‘bashes all he can with his tiny hands’
Sing along now:
The Donald from TV, gets his feelings hurt and then becomes Tremendous Trump! America’s great again! He bashes all he can, with his tiny hands! Tremendous Trump! Tremendous Trump! Tremendous Trump! Trump!
Cuidado driving that rocket bike in the desert or you’ll ‘Suffer’ (video)
In Suffer, from GastarBetter, repeats a valuable lesson: Keep your eyes on the road, especially if you are wearing a crazy sombrero and driving a rocket bike across the desert.
Surf’s up on the Amazon when the Pororoca comes in – OMG run! (video)
Surf’s up on the Amazon when the Pororoca comes in, and Brazilian adventurer Richard Rasmussen is there to demonstrate. Remember, kids, when you ask “Que onda?” the onda you get may require you to run as fast AF.
Mas…Surf’s up on the Amazon when the Pororoca comes in – OMG run! (video)
And that’s how you sell ‘Tacos de Canasta’ (video)
We don’t know anything about where in Mexico or when or who is selling Tacos de Canasta (tacos in a basket) in this video. That voice, though!
Mykki Blanco reads Zoe Leonard: I want a dyke for president (video)
Artist, photographer and activist Zoe Leonard wrote “I want a dyke for president” in 1992. Rapper Mykki Blanco delivered the word in this new video.
Here’s the text:
Mas…Mykki Blanco reads Zoe Leonard: I want a dyke for president (video)
That time Trump bulldozed Sesame Street to build a Starbucks (video)
The corporate media won’t show this devastating documentary footage but POCHO is not afraid to expose how Donald Trump’s ruthless business tactics led to the destruction of a cherished, historic New York City neighborhood called Sesame Street.
If elected, Trump will deport this Harvard University graduate (video)
In La Graduación | The Graduation by Anna Clare Spelman, we meet an undocumented Latinx DREAMer about to graduate from the Harvard’s Kennedy School with a master’s degree. Thank God Donald Trump promises to deport rapists and narcotrafficantes like her and her mom!
Curried coconut, peppers, eggs, beans, rice y cheese breakfast burrito?
It’s got guacamole (or avocado), cilantro, garlic, black beans, queso, huevos, cebollas,and jalapeños — so far so good — and curry spice powder and coconut milk. Can they live in perfect harmony in this big-ass breakfast burrito? Chef John Manini is at the grill.
Happy Rosh HaShana from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5777! (video)
Mexico, like the United Estates, is a “nation of immigrants.”
In the 1900s, Tijuana welcomed Jewish refugees fleeing wars, hate and poverty in Europe, Asia and the Mideast.
Tijuana Jews, the story of the extended Artenstein family, has become a POCHO Rosh HaShana (New Year) tradition ever since we noticed rosh-ha-shana rhymed with Tijuana in 2012.
Mas…Happy Rosh HaShana from the Jews of Tijuana! Happy 5777! (video)
The face of Peru’s Lord of Sipán, 2000-year-old warrior-priest (video)

The skull of one of the most famous archaeological finds of the twentieth century has been reconstructed using 3D imaging.
Mas…The face of Peru’s Lord of Sipán, 2000-year-old warrior-priest (video)
Thoughts & Prayers App: Click once to pretend that you care! (video)
Tragedy in the news? Kids getting shot, hospitals being bombed, rights being trampled? What’s a person to do? Send thoughts and prayers, that’s what! And with the Thoughts & Prayers app, posting those electronic simulations of concern across all social media platforms is just a tap away!
Mas…Thoughts & Prayers App: Click once to pretend that you care! (video)
Vato loco calls Compton 911 for an ambulance (NSFW video)
A Compton homie fell down and went boom, so he called 911 for a medical assistance. The conversation didn’t go as planned. [NSFW language.]
Back from the dead y live on YouTube, FDR explains the debates (video)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd Presidente of the United Estates and Democratic Party icon, is back from the dead and live on YouTube with a video that explains in one minute what to expect in tonight’s Clinton vs Trump debate. Like both former Presidents Bush, former President Clinton, and former President Carter, former President Roosevelt will not be voting for Donald Trump.