A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz brought Star Wars into the La Cucaracha universe. And The Force was with him, and with you.
Mas…POCHOS! IN! SPACE! ‘All My Friends Love the Low Vader’ y mas
Our Videos, Their Videos Tambien.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz brought Star Wars into the La Cucaracha universe. And The Force was with him, and with you.
Mas…POCHOS! IN! SPACE! ‘All My Friends Love the Low Vader’ y mas
Ms. Antiga’s students at a Chesterbrook Academy somewhere, show and tell how to make a Mexican-style paper Christmas star, en Español.
Four kids from Orange County have a great band name and modern pop sound. Check out the first vid, Ridiculous Feats, from The Taco Truck. [Sid Piravi (Vocals & Guitar), Emma Hattesohl (Guitar), Cesar Landa (Drums), Alex Soto (Bass). Directed by Joe Rodriguez.]
Los Angeles pocha Natalie Munguia didn’t learn Spanish when she was growing up, and now she feels left out, as she explains in this video for Sociology 244 at Whittier College. FYI, here’s the course description:
Mas…This L.A. pocha wishes she could speak better Spanish (video)
The Mariachis, the UK’s Famous No. 1 Mariachi Band, turn an ordinary office holiday party into a fiesta. When these vatos show up, everyone is down for the party, Coz’ It’s Christmas Time.
The band first found fame playing for Doritos:
Mas…England’s The Mariachis: Party “Coz It’s Christmas Time” (videos)
Champurrado is a chocolate-based hot beverage Mexicans love to drink, especially during the Christmas season. [Video via Telemundo]
Here’s the video — and the recipe — en Español:
Mas…Here’s how to make champurrado – Mexican hot chocolate (video)
Attention Latino/Hispanic children in southeast Florida: Santa Claus does not want your milk and cookies, kids. He wants plantanos, y arroz y frijoles negros y res (could be puerco) … from Sedano’s.
Oh no you didn’t!
First BORDERTOWN Clip! “The Pope Visits the Mexifornia MegaChurch” Bordertown premieres January 3, 930 pm on Fox. We’re all going to hell!
Posted by Lalo Alcaraz on Monday, December 14, 2015
If the Facebook ^^^^ video won’t play, try this [it may take a minute to load]:
It’s the Hollywood musical role he was born to play — Donald Trump sings, dances and stars as The Hate Miser in The Year Without Santa Claus. [Video by Daniel DeFabio.]
Is this is the spiciest expectant parents announcement video ever?
Mas…Veronica and Ruben Villa are expecting: Welcome Baby Tajin (video)
John Trudell, the activist, artist, actor, and poet who dedicated his life to Native American rights, land and language, walked on December 8. He was 69.
Mas…John Trudell, Native activist and poet, walks on (toon, video)
Careful selection of quality ingredients, disciplined preparation, and exacting technique are just the beginning if you want to make Macho Nachos. But you dudes can’t, because You Suck at Cooking.
Mas…Make these macho nachos, guys, since ‘You Suck at Cooking’ (video)
Next generation digitally-borne stereotypes for millennials and their kids!
Bandits, sexy Latinas, y mucho mas more…ACK!
Does your next CGI animation project need an ugly racist stereotyped Mexican gangster but you’re short on dinero? El Penumbra (The Darkness), a “Mexican Bandito,” can be yours for just $45!
Mas…Hire this animated Mexican ‘bandito’ for only $45 (toons, video)
Make America steak again!
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. [Video by The Auralnauts.]
La Cucaracha, a musical short, won an OSCAR in 1935.
Here’s the plot, according to IMDB:
Mas…Laugh, cry, dance, sing: ‘La Cucaracha’ 1935 OSCAR winner (video)
Cold and wintery where you are? Check out these animated GIFs of blooming echinopsis cacti. It gives us those prickly feels. The GIFs are from this video.
Mas…These blooming cacti prickly make the heart grow fonder (GIFs)
Feliz Hanukkah from POCHO and the Hip Hop Hoodíos! Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, begins at sunset Sunday night and ends at sunset on December 30: Ocho noches, therefore Ocho Kandelikas.
This salsa version of Ocho Kandelikas comes from swingin’ L.A. Cantor Kenny Ellis. The lyrics are in Ladino, the Sephardic language with roots in Spanish and Hebrew:
Mas…Los Hip Hop Hoodíos fire up ‘Ocho Kandelikas’ for Chanukah (videos)
Why is there a giant depression (crop circle?) in a sorghum field outside of Victoria, Yoro, in Honduras. Some folks point to a UFO/OVNI.
Mas…Did an OVNI/UFO make ‘crop circles’ in Honduras? (video)
Morrissey/Smiths mariachi tribute band El Mariachi Manchester covers There Is a Light that Never Goes Out. Alexandrossey on vocals.
Los Smiths’ version:
Mas…El Mariachi Manchester: ‘There Is A Light That Never Goes Out’ (videos)
My grandma’s tortillas are legendary in my family; she’s been making them since she was a little girl and has been feeding her family with them ever since. I thought I’d shoot a little video of her making them as she passes the tradition down to her great grandkids. — Video creator Rich Lee.
In her new music video Borders, Brit rapper M.I.A. (Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam) says “No More Deportations” — #Not1MoreDeportation –– for the refugees.
POCHO’s Subcommandanta del Ñews, Sara Inés Calderón, shares everything you need to know about Sansgiven, the Mexican Thanksgiving. She’s @SaraChicaD on the Twitter.
Back when our MiJA Elise Valderrama was on Fusion, she shared her Thanksgiving survival tips. You say you’ve never explored The Cluttered Mind of Elise, aka @buttronica on the Twitter? You’ll be glad you did.
Archaeologists in Tlaxcala, Mexico have discovered skeletal remains of a high-ranking figure in Aztec ruins that are linked to the pulque god, as well as “the cooked vertebrae and ribs of at least three different infants.”
Excavations at the Zultépec-Tecoaque archaeological site, home to the Acolhua between A.D. 1200 and 1521, have uncovered human remains in a cistern, a throne made from volcanic rock, and a cylindrical stone carved with the image of the Aztec god Ometochtli.
Mas…Archaeologists: Skeletal remains linked to pulque god (photos,video)
La Quirky, pocha shopping expert, discovers you can buy huaraches online. Who knew?
Mas…Who knew? La Quirky learns you can buy huaraches online (video)
Thomasina “Tommi” Miers, the British lady behind the Wahaca Mexican restaurant chain, is opening a new store in Manchester, England.
Miers commissioned Mexico D.F. artist Le Super Demon to paint a gigantic mural based on the myths of the Maya, especially maiz.
Mas…British Wahaca taco lady gets a gigantic maiz mural (video)
Speaking to the House of Representatives on Tuesday, Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) condemned the ignorant governors who have vowed to turn away refugees fleeing violence and seeking freedom in the U.S. Freedom, Gutierrez noted, is exactly what our country stands for.
Mas…Illinois Congressman Gutierrez condemns racist governors (video)
Swedish composer Lennart Clerwell (photo) wrote Mexican Bodega, a perfectly lovely “surf guitar” instrumental ballad that seems to have been covered by every middle-aged Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish and German guitarist on YouTube.
It’s a sweet tune, as Tibor Slamovits shows in this video. We don’t know how or why the composition got its name — in Mexico a “bodega” is a warehouse, not a tiendita or “little shop” — but if this song reminds you of a bodega near you, go there now and buy or store some stuff.
Sure, Paris is where haute cuisine was perfected, but come to Mexico – because tacos!
Southern California band EODM — Eagles of Death Metal — point out the Complexity. Nothing to kill or die for; no religion, too.