Sportsball Fans: The strange history of ‘The (Mexican) Wave’ (video)

mexicanwaveIn a universe far away, they call the sportsball spectator stand up/get down trick The Mexican Wave. Here in Pocholandia, it’s just The Wave. Maybe that was you doing The Wave on MLB opening day or on the final night of March Madness; maybe you Waved on the couch at home.

But do you know where The Wave originated, and why it’s now known internationally as The Mexican Wave? Watch y learn:

Mas…Sportsball Fans: The strange history of ‘The (Mexican) Wave’ (video)

Passover matzo balls with Hebrew homies Luis and Jaquann (video)

On Passover (“Pesach” in Hebrew), los Judios eat “bitter herbs” to remember “the bitterness of slavery in Egypt.” In this video, Hebrew homeboys Jaquann and Luis start out with a sweeter herb and then have to satisfy their munchies with matzo balls. Passover starts at sundown tonight. (NSFW drugs and language.)

Video: Best (and longest) death scene ever in the history of cinema?

karategirlNow that poor Turkey, the sick man of Europe, is under the control of an egomaniacal historically ignorant Ottoman wannabe, it’s comforting to look back on the glory days of Turkish cinema with 1974’s Karate Girl.

We love Karate Girl’s film making genius since we discovered this excerpt — the “best death scene ever”:

Mas…Video: Best (and longest) death scene ever in the history of cinema?

VIDEO: Remote control spray paint tagging quad copter drone?

ic_tyrone_photoWhat is Tyrone Drone? Is it an app? Is it a drone? Stop — you’re both right, sorta.

“Reach new heights of artistic expression with Tyrone Drone,” says the hype. “Dare to tag wherever you couldn’t — or wouldn’t — before. You might not crash the White House, but Tyrone is armed with a couple cans of spray paint and no conscience. Paint your neighborhood. Or destroy it with graffiti.”

Mas…VIDEO: Remote control spray paint tagging quad copter drone?