It’s the very first Mr. Mean Adventure, Filero Grande vs Pipa Chica, from Louis Moncivias.
Our Videos, Their Videos Tambien.
‘Wise Latina’ Sotomayor hangs with Big Bird’s posse (video)
Dressed all in black, Goth Justice Sonia Sotomayor mugs for the camera and wastes taxpayer money that could be better spent on drones, bombs and bayonets in this Sesame Street video about “careers” for girls.
In collusion with Big Bird’s socialist PBS pals, the unmarried jurist mocks the proud American tradition of Walt Disney princesses and never once mentions the proper female occupation of staying at home and cleaning the house and cooking dinner for the family.
Unashamed, the ultra-liberal home wrecker actually tells impressionable little Muppette Abby to “get a career.”
You voted for this, people. Muppets, PBS and “Hispanics.” The line to Canada forms on the right.
What’s smoking in Colorado? Al Madrigal reports (video)
The Daily Show’s Senior Latino Correspondent (and POCHO Migrant Editor) Al Madrigal tells Jon Stewart all about Colorado’s marijuana legalization referendum despite never having smoked pot himself.
Pocho Rico shout out: I Like To Be in America! (West Side Story)
“Industry boom in America. Twelve in a room in America. Lots of new housing with more space. Lots of doors slamming in our face,” they sing in West Side Story (1961.) Pocho Rico referendum shout out!
We’ve got all the lyrics, too:
Mas…Pocho Rico shout out: I Like To Be in America! (West Side Story)
Mile-long UFO flies down INTO smoldering Popocatepetl (video)
From Televisia comes this report of a gigantic (mile-long?) cylindrical UFO/OVNI flying down INTO Popo. The UFO’s descent was captured by a 24/7 volcano cam that’s fixed on the peak, which is south of Mexico City.
Mas…Mile-long UFO flies down INTO smoldering Popocatepetl (video)
Don Cheto totally does it ‘Puro Gangnam Style’ (video)
East Los shout-out! And where did they shoot with all the cop cars? Careful, pochos, there is a danger of spitting coffee on your screen, so watch out.
The problem with Earth people: ‘They’re made out of meat’ (video)
Going to see the space aliens at Area 51, you say? Too late, holmes. They’ve come and gone.
Election Day Music Video: Bobby McFerrin ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’
Don’t worry, says MR. POCHO. And be happy.
Today’s financial headlines from the BBC (video)
Here are today’s top finance stories from the British Broadcasting Corporation.
Mexican Mitt’s ‘I Am the Juan Percent’ animated music video
Enjoy the ELECTION EVE WORLD PREMIERE of Mexican Mitt Romney‘s first animated music video! Share it with your friends!
Sacha Baron Cohen: ‘Americans should consider dictatorship’ (video)
Sacha Baron Cohen is The Dictator
What exactly is on the mind of an ‘undecided voter’? (video)
He’s an undecided voter and his mind’s in a pickle about the big issues. We asked him why.
Pocho History 101: ‘Abraham Lincoln’ by Louis CK (SNL video)
American History 101 – Pocho Style.
Tio Sam’s War Department presents ‘Tuesday In November’ (video)
Tuesday In November (1945, directed by John Houseman 16:54)
NARRATOR: It is early morning of the first Tuesday in November. This is an American city. A city that is not very large, not very rich, not very old. It is situated in the western part of the United States, in California. Its name is Riverton. The woman in the car is Mrs. Dawson, one of Riverton’s 15,000 residents. She is principal of Public School No. 2, but today there will be no classes held here. For this is Election Day.
Tuesday In November is a film in simple language made primarily for overseas audiences, many of whom did not enjoy the right to elect their own governments.
Mas…Tio Sam’s War Department presents ‘Tuesday In November’ (video)
Chavo Del Ocho Gangnam Style (video)
Hey — sexy lady!
- RELATED: Mitt Romney Gangnam Style (NSFW)
Dia de Los Muertos Argentine mutants are people too, my friend (video)
The band: El Mató a un Policía Motorizado. The video: Día de Los Muertos. We don’t know why, exactly, but one of the mutants from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Recall is involved, and he is not muerto. We advise you, therefore, that the events depicted in this video are probably not a true story but rather a sequence of images strung together to go with the music. That’s how they roll in Argentina.
Breaking: Montgomery Burns endorses Mitt Romney (video)
Prominent nuclear power advocate Montgomery Burns has endorsed Gov. Mitt Romney for president.
Day of the Dead Snoop Dogg Lion is all ‘La La La’ (video)
RIP Snoop Dogg, hola kinder, gentler Snoop Lion! La La La (produced by Major Lazer.)
Paint your nails to look like Dia de Los Muertos calaveras (video)
Sara Inés Calderón turns her fingernails into calaveras for Day of the Dead and you can too!
Gracias a POCHO amigo Carvin Knowles for the scary soundtrack!
Al Madrigal in downtown Manhattan for The Daily Show (video)
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Hurricane Sandy’s Aftermath | ||||
POCHO Migrant Editor (and Daily Show Senior Latino Correspondent) Al Madrigal reports on the situation in lower Manhattan after Sandy.
Vivacious Miss Audacious: ‘Caliente! – Un Burlesco Latino’ (video)
The lithe Vivacious Miss Audacious shows off her mad hula hoop skillz while wearing Catrina Calavera makeup (and getting undressed) in a performance piece called Caliente! – Un Burlesco Latino – “Dia de los Muertos.” She makes naughty look so nice.
Playing with your food for fun on Dia de Los Muertos (video)
Someone — maybe you — will watch this weird stop motion animation Dias De Los Muertos by Scott Renk and say, “Some people have too much time on their hands” to which we say, “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently…”
The Mars Volta: Bloody paletas to die for from ‘The Widow’ (video)
The Mars Volta band of El Paso pocho prog rockers live to die in this video of The Widow. K espooky!
Romney campaign releases Halloween-themed music video
“Romney will lie to you to win the nomination. He will lie to you to get elected. He will lie to you as President” — Newt Gingrich
Tierra: Goodbye, ‘Arizona’ (video)
Goodbye, racist Arizona, says Tierra.
YouTube math wiz Vihart makes a mathematical burrito (video)
She’s a popular math geek on Youtube with mad origami skillz and she takes a special approach to making a burrito.
Lena Horne can’t go on: ‘Stormy Weather’ (music video)
Don’t know why there’s no sun up in the sky? From the 1943 film of the same name, Lena Horne delivers the weather forecast: Stormy Weather.
Mitt Romney’s Cayman Islands hot tub house party (NSFW video)
Mitt is the MC with the moneh, byotch! (NSFW at all.)
Your Mitt Romney Spanish TV bronzer makeup tutorial (video)
It’s not easy being brown, as Mitt Romney’s Univision appearance demonstrated. Here’s the right way to get brown with la gente. Attention white people: This is a super idea for that special hot date not to mention Halloween!
Mas…Your Mitt Romney Spanish TV bronzer makeup tutorial (video)
GOP’s new app suppresses minority voters automagically (NSFW video)
Why worry about sending bogus mailers and erecting hateful billboards to suppress poor, minority, elderly and student voters? The Republican National Committee’s VoteRite app makes it easy! iPhone and Android compatible. (NSFW language.)
Cupquake’s mysterious and alluring Dia de Los Muertos makeup video
What is she wearing? And who are those dudes in the background?
Louis C.K. flies ‘First Class’ because he’s a professional asshole (video)
“First Class” from Jim Brown. (NSFW language.)