What’s a girl to do when a love hunk comes knocking at the front door?
Our Videos, Their Videos Tambien.
Yes, I know you want me — it’s because ‘Soy Guapo’ (video)
I’m so happy Soy Guapo!. Sing along now, mujeres!
Fan boys with a video blog: ‘We Love Spanglish’ (the movie)
These two fans really love the movie Spanglish, with Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni.
Hey Buenos Aires! What song are you listening to? (video)
Hey You! What Song Are You Listening To from Greg Henkel
Hey pochos — what are YOU listening to? Comments below:
Mas…Hey Buenos Aires! What song are you listening to? (video)
For undocumented students, every day is a day in ‘Limbo’ (video)
Three undocumented Los Angeles students were given small video cameras to record their lives for three months. Limbo is their story.
Sitting in limbo, eh? Jimmy Cliff knows all about that:
Mas…For undocumented students, every day is a day in ‘Limbo’ (video)
We’re up to our ears in Mexicans, so ‘Maybe I’ll vote this year’ (video)
Maybe I’ll vote this year. Really, as long as I remember where the place is and I can get a space, and if, well, it depends what’s going on that day. After all, “we’re up to our ears in Mexicans!” (An epic musical production.)
H/T LAObserved.com.
Paul Rodriguez Spanish ad for Romney now in English (video)
Mexican-born (just like his BFF’s dad!) actor and comedian Paul Rodriguez wants Latinos to vote for Gov. Mitt Romney in November and recorded 60 seconds of audio (below) to explain why. No habla Espanish? No problemo! We made this video with English titles so you can follow along.
Background footage via the Occupy Wall Street Archive.
Cypress Hill, Rusko, Damian Marley: ‘Can’t Keep Me Down’ (video)
South Gate, CA homeboys Cypress Hill released Insane in the Brain (video, below) almost 20 years ago. It’s 2012, do you know where your brain is? Why here it is — up “amongst the clouds!”
This visually stunning new music video, Can’t Keep Me Down, is a Cypress Hill collaboration with dubstep producer Rusko and Damian Marley. You totally want to maximize your video player and crank your sound for this. (Possibly NSFW lyrics.)
Here’s your flashback:
Mas…Cypress Hill, Rusko, Damian Marley: ‘Can’t Keep Me Down’ (video)
Sometimes the hardest choice is ‘The Second Choice’ (video)
In Los Angeles, an immigrant single mom tries to teach her son to do the right thing, but talk is cheap when the rent is due tomorrow and your only income is as an unlicensed street vendor. What would you do when it all came down to The Second Choice?
Short film by Alberto Belli. Spanglish with English subtitles.
Michael J. Fox is Martinez McFly in ‘Back to the Future’ blooper (video)
We don’t think “Hey, puto!” was in the script.
Things were simpler then: Convenience food ad from the 50s (video)
Things were simpler then, when you didn’t have to worry about stuff like cholesterol and vegetables and carbs and gluten — the good old 1950s when a foil-wrapped TV Dinner meant a party for your mouth — a mouth party in vivid black and white! It was the Age of Tang for Pete’s sake! How many of you are old enough to remember this Mom-approved easy-to-prepare specialty, oven-ready Suck’em Downs?
Rosie Perez to Romney: Being a Latina is SO much easier! (video)
Dear Governor Romney: You were so totally right about how much easier it would be if you were a Latino. Even luckier, a Latina with a vagina!
Did you like this video? We sure do! Pero k lastima, so many people came to see it this morning our servers crashed. We need more and better gear. Can you help POCHO make and serve up more ñews y satire with a contribution? Read our clever pitch and kick in $10 or $20 if you can. ¡Gracias!
Pinche zombies attack another shopping mall, this one in Spain (video)
Zombies like shopping malls, although no one knows exactly why. In the award-winning short Zombies and Cigarettes the ghouls attack a mall in Spain and four people try to survive and escape. Will they find an exit? Will they find true love? Or, failing that, will they be able to get the blood off their clothes? (Warning: Gory violence. Spanish with English titles.)
Momfidential: Should I consider hiring a Latina nanny? (video)
When bringing a strange woman into your home to help raise your children, many things need to be considered. In this episode of Momfidential, mommy bloggers Byrdie and Linden discuss the pros and cons of Latina and Eastern European nannies.
Cri-Cri, El Grillito Cantor: ‘La Marcha De Las Letras’ (video)
Face it — you could use some remedial work on your Spanish vowels (las cinco vocales.) But when everyone’s favorite singing cricket is around, mijos, it’s easy! Cri-Cri is here with La Marcha De Las Letras. (Yes, we know about the flaca and the gorda and the letters I and O. This song is from history. The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there.)
Here are the lyrics:
Mas…Cri-Cri, El Grillito Cantor: ‘La Marcha De Las Letras’ (video)
Obama speaks Spanish in new TV ad: We’ve got English captions (video)
Pres. Barack Obama’s reelection campaign continues to reach out to Latino voters with commercials en Espanol and he actually speaks Spanish himself in this new spot. We’ve got English captions/subtitles for people who don’t.
Mayan Apocalyspe here? The Stones are all ‘Doom and Gloom’ (video)
It’s a brand new Rolling Stones song and it’s about zombies! No, it isn’t about Keef, even though it’s called Doom and Gloom. It’s about fracking, senseless wars, thieving politicos, heartless asshats, etc.
Mick Jagger saves the world of course:
[I] crash landed in the Louisiana swamp, shot up a horde of zombies but I come out on top
Colombia space aliens sing, do special propeller beanie dance (video)
Monareta, a band made up of dancing aliens from outer space, has the best spinning propeller nerd beanies in all of Colombia. This is their video, Llama. That’s all we know for sure. If you have any additional information, please contact the appropriate authorities in your jurisdiction. And dance!
This is the angriest big bird you will see today (video)
It’s a loud chicken, and then it’s a really angry bird. (No frijoles were harmed in the making of this video.)
Dead and more dead in the drug war and only ‘The Silence’ (video)
When the kids ask why all these people are dying in Mexico’s Drug War, what do you say? The unmistakable David Hidalgo of Los Lobos (with harmonies by Jackson Browne) sings of The Silence on this Los Cenzontles tune recorded by the veteran East Bay collective in L.A.’s Echo Park in February. Closing guitar solo by Eugene Rodriguez.
Won’t you join them? Arise Roots is ‘Moving Forward’ (music video)
Many POCHO amigos are involved in this video (production, direction, love, etc.) so we’re proud to debut the latest from homies Arise Roots; the band is Moving Forward. Won’t you come along?
David Byrne/La Portuaria: Today I’m not afraid of dyin’ (music video)
David Byrne and Argentina’s La Portuaria team up to defy fear and death in Hoy lo le temo a la muerte.
NBC profiles Jefe Lalo Alcaraz for Hispanic Heritage Month (video)
It’s only fair, really. POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz gets props during Hispanic Heritage Month, or, as he likes to call it, Latino Heritage Month. Ana Garcia of KNBC Los Angeles reports.
Bain Capital’s Mal*Mart gives back to local communities (video)
This short educational video from Mal★Mart (a Bain Capital subsidiary) explains how the retail chain is a good neighbor, supporting local communities and creating jobs all across America — with a smile. The case study features Latina entrepreneur Maria Muñoz of Maria’s Flan.
Forget Big Bird! Meet Señor Loro, the Latino parrot candidate (video)
From Los Titeres (the puppets): Don’t waste your vote on the phony mainstream yellow bird candidate until you consider wasting your vote on the Puppet Party’s Latino red parrot candidate — Señor Loro for Presidente! (Borderline NSFW language and a disturbing bird bigote.)
Video by Felix Pire. LosTiteresTV is on Facebook and on the Internets.
–Freelancer Junior Wences PhD writes by hand.
Don’t wait for immigration reform: PORT-A-BORDER is here! (video)
“Comprehensive immigration reform” is like the weather — everyone talks about it but no one does anything about it. That’s why real Americans are going wild over PORT-A-BORDER, the personal hi-tech illegal immigration solution that keeps those darn Mexicans out of your personal space. (Possibly NSFW language.)
Santeria? It’s what’s for dinner! ‘Otto and the Electric Eel’ (video)
In Otto and the Electric Eel, a modern adaptation of an Afro-Cuban Santeria myth, Miami bass legend Otto Von Schirach (playing the role of Chango, god of thunder) battles to keep an inter-dimensional creature (serpent god Damballah) from ruining his dinner date.
Back from the dead and live on YouTube, FDR on the debate (video)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd Presidente of Los United Estates, is back from the dead and live on YouTube with a video that explains the first Presidential Debate in just one minute.
Menudorade: The electrolytes you need and the tripa you love (video)
For the fluids and electrolytes a hard-working vato needs plus the secret power of tripa and posole — it’s Menudorade! In grocery and convenience stores now.
Elvis Presley, undocumented worker: ‘Fun in Acapulco’ (photos,video)
The year is 1963 and Elvis is on a roll. As his star rises on the American music scene, Hollywood lifts its head and takes notice: he gets signed for a fun Mexican adventure romp entitled Fun in Acapulco.
While gorgeous exterior shots are completed on location in Mexico, Elvis shoots his scenes in “Mexico,” a Hollywood backlot commissioned by Hal Wallis Productions and through the magic of less-than-spectacular editing and rear-projection shots seems to dance and sing his sad way (he’s mourning the accidental death of his brother he may have caused) through this somewhat harmless farce.
Of course (as I’ve written many times before), you’ve got to be a fool to turn to Hollywood for accurate portrayals of “foreign spaces”–still, Fun in Acapulco is not half bad.
The kid in the clip below gives new meaning to the word irony, as Elvis, “American,” conspires to work as an “illegal alien” in Mexico.
Mas…Elvis Presley, undocumented worker: ‘Fun in Acapulco’ (photos,video)
As predicted, Romney does it gangnam style (NSFW video)
With some reports showing Gov. Mitt Romney’s support is lagging with younger voters, the candidate decided he’d join the gangnam style video parody crowd. (NSFW language.)
Romney campaign’s latest commercial shot on Olvera Street (video)
Gov. Mitt Romney reaches out to Latino voters in this new Hispanic Heritage Month commercial filmed in downtown Los Angeles’ historic Olvera Street neighborhood.