Frankie Quinones — who was unforgettable as the star of The Cholo Whisperer — returns to the YouTube screen as Carmelita, the diva on a budget. She is So Eh-Spicy. (NSFW language.)
Our Videos, Their Videos Tambien.
Hey Vato! Tattoo or not tattoo, that is the question (NSFW video)
Chuy wants a new tattoo for his new lady love — in a special spot right over his heart. But, he wonders, is a new tat a symbol of undying devotion or merely another way to get the chicas to give it up? When Smiley pointedly asks about Chuy’s old girlfriend, an intense discussion ensues. (NSFW language.)
Two musicians enter the park — but only one man leaves (video)
Everything is chill when the street musician starts playing his accordian in the park — until the suave guitarist shows up. Who will win this battle of the park work stars? The musical gunfight is a toss-up, until a mysterious third man appears.
Opinion: We must fight the anti-Mayan Calendar Illuminati 1% (video)
We might not know anything about them, but Anonymous knows almost everything about us, including stuff THE MAN doesn’t want YOU to know.
The modishly-masked online crusaders will soon shock our chakras with the truth about apocalyptic confluences predicted by the Mayan Calendar and aether-entities from outer espace. Predictably, the Mainstream Media New World Order 1% Wall Street Ivy League Illuminati White Elite is fighting back.
The recent Anonymous blipvert above, for example, was followed by UPenn (founded by life on Mars expert and immigrant hater Benjamin Franklin) joining the Illuminati conspiracy to discredit the Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012 scenario.
One group of chronology-challenged eschatologists even claimed that a recently-discovered calendar — which is older than the Doomsday Calendar — somehow makes the newer calendar wrong. Doh! Illogical!
Mas…Opinion: We must fight the anti-Mayan Calendar Illuminati 1% (video)
Sabado Pochonte Video: ‘Zorro’s Fighting Legion, Flaming Z’
Zorro’s Fighting Legion is a 1939 Republic Pictures serial featuring Reed Hadley as Zorro. The plot revolves around Zorro’s alter-ego’s (Don Diego‘s) fight against the evil Don Del Oro, who wants to become Emperor of Mexico.
An occasional trope in this serial is the ritual death of at least one native informant, much like the death of a red-shirted Star Trek Away Team newbie. The direction was identical for each snitch’s demise, creating a source of unintentional humor: each one, upon uttering the phrase, “Don del Oro is…”, is shot by a golden arrow and dies before revealing the villain’s true identity.
Here’s Chapter 2, Flaming Z. (0:15 mins)
Mas…Sabado Pochonte Video: ‘Zorro’s Fighting Legion, Flaming Z’
The Coachella art scene, home made by The Date Farmers (video)
East of Los Angeles via Interstate 10 lies the Coachella Valley, home of the desert oasis of Palm Springs, a famed music festival and acres of stately date palms.
On the wrong side of tracks, in the town of Coachella, there’s a group of Chicano artists who call themselves The Date Farmers. They make art out of love for themselves and their neighbors. This is their story. (Apologies to iOS users. KCET insists on using Flash.)
Hey Vato! Will new rims make my life better? (NSFW video)
Chuy’s car might look a whole lot better with new rims, but is that really the way to improve one’s life, or to score with the ladies? Smiley offers an alternative approach to the existential question. (NSFW language.)
Where is the youth enthusiasm for Obama 2012? (Daily Show video)
These darn kids today with their hoodies and Google Goggles and personal jetpacks — are they as excited about this year’s presidential election as they were in 2008? The Daily Show’s Senior Latino Correspondent Al Madrigal went to Virginia Commonwealth University to investigate.
Taqueria bomber’s twisted plot terrorizes Taco Tuesday (video)
There’s terrible trouble in the hood when a shiny new taco cart opens up just across the way from the funky old place. What to do? Taco! Taco! Taco! was the 2009 winner of the HBO/New York International Latino Film Festival Short Film Competition. From John Estrada.
Only 1 in 7 believe in impending Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012

“Whether they think it will come to an end through the hands of God, or a natural disaster or a political event, whatever the reason, one in seven thinks the end of the world is coming,” said Keren Gottfried, research manager at Ipsos Global Public Affairs which conducted the poll for Reuters.
“Perhaps it is because of the media attention coming from one interpretation of the Mayan prophecy that states the world ‘ends’ in our calendar year 2012,” Gottfried said.
Confused by the controversy? We need some disinformation and we need it now, and that’s why we turned to the Disinformation Company for this video.
Mas…Only 1 in 7 believe in impending Mayan Apocalypse Doomsday 2012
Pan-Latino underground club in Queens: Welcome to Metal Kingdom
Hey! It’s a Cinco de Mayo Sabado Pochonte video shoutout to the heavy metal head banger pochos in New York City — no banda for you! Welcome to Metal Kingdom is a short documentary on an underground Pan-Latino heavy metal club in Queens, NY. Filmed, directed and produced by Denise R. Gaberman. (NSFW language, etc.)
Cinco de Mayo installation art in Beverly Hills (video and photos)
Ramiro Gomez is an installation artist who makes the invisible visible by inserting cardboard versions of usually-overlooked Mexican laborers into actual settings. Last night he emailed:
Fresh piece I just installed this afternoon on the westbound corner of Mountain Drive and Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills. If you’re driving around that part of town, stop by and check it out before it’s inevitably taken down.
Like Gomez wanted, POCHO stopped by the intersection the morning of Cinco de Mayo and shot this video. It reminded us of a Folgers Crystals instant coffee commercial: “We’ve secretly replaced your ordinarily-invisible immigrant gardener with a cardboard replica. Let’s see if anyone notices!” And we have photos from Gomez, below.
Mas…Cinco de Mayo installation art in Beverly Hills (video and photos)
Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!
QUESTION: How can you tell when Cinco de Mayo has turned into a totally American holiday? ANSWER: When gabachos from Tennessee start making rap videos about it in broken Spanglish! Dear Hootie (AKA Hoochie) and the Brofish: Orale!
For your Only in Los Angeles moment, check out a local news video about Cinco de Mayo at MexiKosher, a kosher Mexican restaurant in the heavily-Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood:
Mas…Cinco de Mayo is an American holiday — and we’ve got videos!
La Chata’s Music Box: Rest in Power Beastie Boy Adam Yauch AKA MCA
RIP Adam Yauch AKA MCA. May the Fourth be with you in your next life. Cancer got the better of you but you always fought for your Right to Party!
You want the half-hour extended version NSFW video? We got it right here!
Mas…La Chata’s Music Box: Rest in Power Beastie Boy Adam Yauch AKA MCA
Everyone has a double: ‘Doppelganger’ by Elphomega (music video)
Every person has a double. Spanish hiphop MC Elphomega encounters his “twin” in Doppelganger. His shadow of a shadow invokes varsity cheerleaders, cholo gang jackets, Kim Novak and meat, lots of meat, just like in all the other Kim Novak cheerleader meat and cholo videos. Also: Good beat and easy to dance to.
Hey Vato! Does a Raiders’ jersey glorify gang lifestyle (NSFW video)
The Vatos’ discussion of the finer points of football jersey fashion lead them to consider Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven and the stereotypes implicit in identification with the Raiders’ Nation. Nevermore, ese!
Romney courts ‘Hispanic vote’ with cartoon parrot sidekick (video)
GOP presidential wannabee Mitt Romney knows he needs help with the “Hispanic vote” so he hired a Spanish-speaking, taco-loving parrot named Paco to help him out on the campaign trail. This is their first joint video.
Contrast and compare with Romney’s earlier Nosotros ad, presented here with English subtitles.
Mas…Romney courts ‘Hispanic vote’ with cartoon parrot sidekick (video)
Are these Sunday news show talking heads your ‘Hispanic leaders’?
CBS News writes:
Are these people your “Hispanic leaders” as CBS calls them? Aside from the Latino/Hispanic what’s in a name issue, do these people represent you? Do you even know who they are? Do you agree with what they say? Let’s name names: |
Mas…Are these Sunday news show talking heads your ‘Hispanic leaders’?
Luminous white UFOs turn Mexican skeptics into believers (videos)
Up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane it’s — Marcianos! Mexican investigators Jaime Maussan and Santiago Yturria Garza share exceptional videos of unexplained aerial phenomena that turned them from skeptics into believers.
Watch news footage as one Mexican mayor spots the “fleet” of luminous white OVNIs and says, “The Martians have arrived!” TV host Maussan calls for more citizen and media participation in compiling OVNI reports in this 90-minute presentation from 2006.
“The Martians Have Arrived” — Los Marcianos Llegaron Ya — was also a pop music hit in Mexico in 2005 by children’s music star Tatiana. Which came first — the sightings or the song? We have the video below.
Mas…Luminous white UFOs turn Mexican skeptics into believers (videos)
Argentina WTF: Crop circle? UFO landing site? Cow abduction? (video)
The diameter of the circle cut into the Tossi family’s sorghum field Wednesday night or Thursday morning is 25 meters — 82 feet across. The transformation of the consenusal reality of the small town of Las Perdices in Argentina’s Tercero Arriba district is yet to measured.
Who — or what — made the circle? Is it of earthly origin? Or did an OVNI leave evidence of a brief terrestrial tango? We have more of the story and an incredible video report of a cow abducted by a UFO in Argentina, below.
Mas…Argentina WTF: Crop circle? UFO landing site? Cow abduction? (video)
Save the planet, stop illegal immigration (Colbert Report video)
Liberals and conservatives agree — immigrants cause global warning and poison the political atmosphere!
The O.C. featuring Baby.K: ‘Somos Locos’ (NSFW music video)
What if the Insane Clown Posse moved to French Canadia and made a Spanglish hip-hop video in an insane asylum? Mira! This crazy video by The O.C. comes from the Montreal Hip-Hop en Español scene. The a duo made up of MCs Chele and One from Heavy Soundz and featuring many members of the Del Mondongo crew. Del Mondongo is a label/collective formed by a circle of Latino MCs: Boogat, Alquimia Verbal and Heavy Soundz – two all-star hip-hop crews that splinter into different side and solo projects. Loco, eh? (Crazy NSFW language.)
Music Video: La Santa Cecilia covers rock classic ‘Tainted Love’
Gloria Jones recorded Tainted Love first in 1965. There there was Soft Cell in 1981. Marilyn Manson covered the tune in 2001. And now comes this brand-new version from locals La Santa Cecilia,featuring the soulful vocals of La Marisoul, who sings like a boss.
Batgirl tells Batman: Equal pay for equal work! (except Latinas?)
Batgirl tells Batman she wants to get paid as much as Robin for the same work. Today’s Latinas need to stand up and demand their fair share too, since the benefits of the Equal Pay Act seem to have passed them by.
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act which prohibits gender discrimination in wages. At its signing women made 59 cents on average for every dollar earned by men. Although some small gains have been made, women today earn only 77 cents for every buck a guy gets. Latinas only earn 57 cents.
Enforcing existing laws is hard enough, but it CAN get worse. Across the country, Republican tools of big business are trying to undermine equal pay, all part of the GOP’s despicable War on Women. (We’ve got videos below.)
Mas…Batgirl tells Batman: Equal pay for equal work! (except Latinas?)
Rodrigo y Gabriela: Stairway to Heaven (live music video)
Stairway to Heaven live by the Mexican acoustic/flamenco guitar duo Rodrigo y Gabriela. Nine million YouTubers can’t be wrong!
Share with your parents: UFO Mayan secrets, ancient aliens revealed
This video comes directly from so you know it’s right:
Irrefutable Evidence of ExtraTerrestrial Contact carved in Stone Thousands of Years ago on Pre-Mayans site. We shall finally change our History’s Books and let humanity knows our True Origins. The World is wakening up! Share the video with your parents and let everyone discuss it rationally and openly.
Part 2 below.
Mas…Share with your parents: UFO Mayan secrets, ancient aliens revealed
U.S. ♥ Mexico WWII propaganda film: ‘Mexican Moods’ (1942)
Seventy years ago, when Mexico joined the Allies (AKA the United Nations) to fight against Nazi Germany, the U.S. Office of Inter-American Affairs produced and released Mexican Moods praising our new BFF.
Sometimes shaky period color footage is matched by shaky period narration and musical production numbers as the film celebrates Mexico’s joining the United Nations, silver making in Taxco (right), modern Mexican airports, Aztec ruins and rituals and Mexican movie and stage stars like handsome young law-school-dropout/comic actor Cantinflas. The 11-minute video, produced and directed by Aldo Ermini, is right down here…
Mas…U.S. ♥ Mexico WWII propaganda film: ‘Mexican Moods’ (1942)
4/20 Video: Lawrence Welk is ‘One Toke Over the Line’
In one of the most bizarre episodes ever run on the super square Lawrence Welk TV variety show, the ensemble presents their feel-good version of Brewer & Shipleys’ One Toke Over the Line.
I know, right? What were they thinking? Why is the under-conductor coughing like he sparked a harsh nug? Is the band giggling in the background? Did Welk think it was some kind of gospel tune?
LaChata’s Music Box: Aztlan Underground’s newest video ‘Our Nature’
With love from LaChata: For 20 years, Aztlan Underground has presented an evolution of consciousness intertwined with pre-Colombian thoughts, feelings and sounds. In a search for the other — the unknown — Aztlan Underground gives birth to a visceral sound that challenges listeners.
Check out their new, visually-stunning music video Our Nature. It starts with indigenous drums, channels the apocalyptic opera of the Doors and celebrates the natural animal spirit that inhabits us all.
From the hidden vaults of the Mayan pyramids, two more videos below:
Mas…LaChata’s Music Box: Aztlan Underground’s newest video ‘Our Nature’
Music Video: El Vuh rap ‘Ciudad Celestial’ in Teotihuacan and L.A.
Califas and Aztlan (from the hood to the pyramid at Teotihuacan) are the settings for the spectacular new music video Ciudad Celestial from homies El Vuh, assisted by Roco from Mexico’s City’s legendary band Maldita Vecindad. It’s all about the unidad.
Video: Padre Jesus is here for you. PS: 1-800-JesusNeedsMoney
He’s a sinner, but aren’t we all? Brothers and sisters, Padre Jesus’ Ministry has found Salvation in the Lord and the Padre wants to remind you that 1-800-JesusNeeds Money.
Chuy, Smiley, Bob Barker, Drew Cary star in ‘Hey Vato!’ (NSFW video)
The Price Is Right game show and a public service announcement inspire the Hey Vato! couch potatoes Smiley (left, in the bandanna) and Chuy to reconsider their personal policies on spaying and neutering their pets, and, in a broader, more holistic sense, their life priorities. (NSFW language.)