How to pronounce ‘cholo’ (video)

Cholo? What’s that? PronounceDaily explains:

cholo /ˈtʃoʊloʊ/ [choh-loh] noun, plural cholos.

Chiefly Southwestern U.S.

  1. (especially among Mexican-Americans) a teenage boy who is a member of a street gang.
  2. Usually Disparaging. a term used to refer to a Mexican or Mexican-American.
  3. a mestizo of Spanish America.

Origin: 1850–55; Mexican Spanish: mestizo, peasant, allegedly shortening of Cholollán ( Nahuatl Cholōllān, modern Cholula), a city-state in pre-conquest Mexico

Usage: When used of a Mexican or Mexican-American, the term cholo usually refers to an immigrant who is considered to be low-class and inferior. However, cholo is also a term of self-reference used by Mexican-American youths.