It has finally come to this: Kim Kardashian butt piñata, the video

A small piñata shop in the Rio Grande border town of Reynosa now offers a piñata of the infamous Paper Magazine shoot in which Kim Kardashian appears nude, RT reports:

Inspired by Kim Kardashian’s rising popularity throughout Mexico, shop owner Dalton Javier Davalos decided to make a pinata of the star’s posterior for the Posadas festival taking place later this month. In making the pinata, Davalos said that he didn’t forsee the international spotlight his shop would receive as a result.

Other pinatas personalities for sale in Davalos’ shop include Miley Cirus, Britney Spears and Mexico´s President Enrique Pena Nieto. Each range in price between $40 (€32) and $50 (€40).

[SCRIPT] W/S Kim Kardashian pinata standing next to other pinatas
C/U Pinata’s front
C/U Kim Kardashian pinata’s face
M/S Pinata “balancing” a glass
M/S Dalton Javier Davalos working on pinata
C/U Screenshot of Kim Kardashian exposed rear-end
W/S Artisan constructing pinata
C/U Unfinished pinata face
C/U Artisan placing paper on bottoms
SOT, Dalton Javier Davalos, shop owner (Spanish): “We did something similar before – a stripper – but there some people didn’t like it. For this one I’ve received nothing but positive comments from this one, they say they like the pinata, and that it was a good idea.”
C/U Artisan placing paper on bottom
W/S Artisan measuring for the dress
M/S Davalos placing cup on pinata’s bottom
SOT, Dalton Javier Davalos, shop owner (Spanish): “It came as a surprise that now they are calling us from everywhere saying they want the Pinata, and want me to send it, but this is a small shop, we are just brothers working here.”
W/S Exterior of pinata shop