‘Maybe (I Grew Up…)’ (@SchemeNavarro audio)

Last month we published the powerful essay Maybe I grew up in a Latino and African-American neighborhood by Navarro, the Chicago-based hiphop artist formerly known as Scheme. Now it’s back, with music:

Maybe is a spoken word piece; an audio interpretation from a piece Navarro wrote and released a few weeks ago, which was shared by major Latino websites, as well as NBC Latino news analyst and more. He considered restructuring it into a “rap song format,” but this was not that. This had to stay the way he wrote it; every word. This isn’t anti-police. It is anti-authority figures, taking advantage of their authority. This is a means to understand why some of us have a certain perspective of law enforcers. It is an aid to help us each understand that what we once were doesn’t always resonate who we will become.