It’s A Mexican Hat Dance, But It’s Metal: Del Castillo Shreds ‘El Sombrero’

According to Tejas rock veteranos Del Castillo, all a guy needs, really, is his boots, his guitar, and his sombrero. And if his lady leaves, well, he’s still got his boots, his guitar, and his hat.

Brothers Mark and Rick Del Castillo are hard rockin’ up front, and those are our amigas Mariachi Las Coronelas you see in the background.

Check out the band at Annafest (Anna, TX) this Saturday, October 7.

In East Los, They Call It Puppet L.O.V.E.

They’re folks we all know, in a barrio near you. Will El Triste and La Smiley (puppeteer Cain Carias, and his wife, artist Mayra Plascencia) ever find the true meaning of L.O.V.E.?

The answer comes into focus in this silent short from our amigos at Lone Stars Entertainment Jeremiah Ocañas and Gabriela López de Dennis.