It looks like the 1990s are back now that former Gov. Pete Wilson (R-CA) is in the political spotlight as the new chairman of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign.
I liked the 90s, but why doesn’t good stuff come back? You know, stuff like crushed velvet and bell sleeves, Beverly Hills 90210 fashion and NAFTA. Here are the top eight things they should bring back!
8. The promise of flying cars, where are the flying cars?!
7. TV shows filled with healthy white kids with nice teeth, a la, 90210 and Saved by the Bell.
6. Headbands, butterfly patterns, crushed velvet and choker (necklaces) — fashion!
5. Weird experiments with cola products like Crystal Pepsi and Tab Clear.
4. The novelty of cellular telephones the size of bricks.
3. Stores that were not all chains, you know, local stores.
2. NAFTA/the EZLN.
And the number one thing I miss from the 1990s is….
1. Big hoop earrings!