Some Twitter users are just unclear on the concept, especially when it comes to the appropriate use of the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag, the most popular ever (“heat map,” above). The viral slogan — coined after the massacre at Paris satire magazine Charlie Hebdo — affirms support of free expression.
French-deficient? “Je suis Charlie” means “I am Charlie.”
The Pochodores combed the Internets for these Pocho Ocho top Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fails:
And the numero uno worst Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fail is…
Lalo Alcaraz, Eres Nerd, Professor Equis, Maria Purisima, Malcolm Mex, Tia Lencha and Comic Saenz did the exhaustive research that resulted in this estory. Hashtag heat map via Ian Bremmer