american food
Argentina restaurant Planet Taco features Tex-Mex and mojitos (video)
Stuck in Argentina with a craving for Tex-Mex food and mojitos? Have we got a deal for you — at Planet Taco. Planet Taco is on the Feisbuk too.
Texans in trucks ambush Fort Bliss soldiers with Mexican MREs (video)
In El Paso, mechanized squads of senior citizens sneak up on soldiers and offer them exotic foreign “Meals, Ready-To-Eat” with origins South of the Border. These metal-encased MREs are called “burritos,” according to the truck people. And the Fort Bliss soldiers like them!
Mas…Texans in trucks ambush Fort Bliss soldiers with Mexican MREs (video)
Persian food peeps prep pretty chingon carne asada tacos (video)
Aashpazzi, a Persian food portal, knows how to make some righteous American food, like carne asada tacos, and this video is proof.
Visionary behind Doritos Locos Tacos dies at 41 (photos + video)
Todd Mills, who came up with the idea for Doritos Locos Tacos, lost his battle with cancer on Thanksgiving. The Little Rock, Arkansas father of two was 41 (photo, above.)
Mills started the Facebook page “Taco Shells from Doritos Movement” in 2009, encouraging followers to “tell Frito-Lay that we demand nacho cheesy taco shells!”
On the page, Mills posted photoshopped images of well known figures including Albert Einstein with a cheesy taco shell in a thought bubble, Steve Jobs holding a Macbook with a cheesy taco shell on the screen and Chuck Norris doing a karate kick while holding a cheesy taco shell….
Mas…Visionary behind Doritos Locos Tacos dies at 41 (photos + video)