The skull of one of the most famous archaeological finds of the twentieth century has been reconstructed using 3D imaging.
Mas…The face of Peru’s Lord of Sipán, 2000-year-old warrior-priest (video)
The skull of one of the most famous archaeological finds of the twentieth century has been reconstructed using 3D imaging.
Mas…The face of Peru’s Lord of Sipán, 2000-year-old warrior-priest (video)
Mexican archeologists last week announced the discovery of three new treasure-filled tunnels in the Temple of the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) under the ancient city of Teotihuacan. The underground passageway was first unearthed ten years ago beneath the site, just outside of Mexico, DF.
Mas…The Feathered Serpent’s tunnel is full of treasures (video)
Archeologists have re-discovered two ancient Mayan cities deep in the Yucatan jungle — massive cities with plazas, buildings and pyramids, some over six stories high.
One spectacular find was a monster mouth portal carved with a stylized earth monster eye and fangs along the doorway jamb (photo.)
The cities, Lagunita and Tamchen, flourished in what is called the Late and Terminal Classic periods (600-1000 A.D.).
Mas…Massive ancient Mayan cities found deep in Mexican jungle
Chile peppers were first domesticated in the area now known as Oaxaca, in eastern Mexico, about 8000 years ago, according to scientists.
Central-east Mexico gave birth to the domesticated chili pepper — now the world’s most widely grown spice crop — reports an international team of researchers, led by a plant scientist at the University of California, Davis.
Results from the four-pronged investigation — based on linguistic and ecological evidence as well as the more traditional archaeological and genetic data — suggest a regional, rather than a geographically specific, birthplace for the domesticated chili pepper.
The desecration of Mayan heritage sites by so-called scientists continues in Guatemala, and the invaders just released a video to trumpet their “rediscovery” of the ancient Mayan Temple of the Night Sun near the town of El Zotz.
The interlopers will rediscover their fight or flight reactions on December 21 when they come face-to-face with the reincarnated spirit of Chak, who was once the King of El Zotz. The crew is currently looting Chak’s tomb.
Some 1,600 years ago, the Temple of the Night Sun was a blood-red beacon visible for miles and adorned with giant masks of the Maya sun god as a shark, blood drinker, and jaguar.
Mas…Scientists desecrate Mayan tomb of Chak, King of El Zotz (video)