Trump explains geopolitics to everyone at NATO (toon)
[See more Payton Heogh toons at]
Manic Hispanic’s love song for the president: ‘Naranjo’ (NSFW video)
Hardcore SoCal homies Manic Hispanic reserved a special color for the president – orange – and a pet name – something about “pendejo” – in this brand new video. [NSFW in Spanglish.]
Mas…Manic Hispanic’s love song for the president: ‘Naranjo’ (NSFW video)
Why presidential pendejos don’t know they’re pendejos (Ted-Ed Video)
Stupid people are so stupid they think they’re smart; ditto for pendejos who think everyone loves them. This well-documented phenomenon — the Dunning-Kruger Effect — is most evident in a gigantor vortex of bullshit that’s darkening the skies over 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC.
Ex Mex Prez Vicente Fox: “I’m running for U.S. Presidente” (NSFW video)
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox — not Mexico’s best — continues trolling Donald Trump. Now he says he’s running for the American Presidency. [NSFW F-bombs.]