Mas…La Cucaracha: Did Substitute Teacher Kim Understand the Assignment?
We’ve got your basic 2-hour-long mariachi music video right here
Why, we asked ourselves, would these RelaxMusic people upload scores of allegedly ethnic or national background music videos to YouTube? If people play them as background audio, they will not be looking at — and clicking on — ads, so the uploaders will not make money. Is it a public service? Some kind alternative facts thing? We don’t know. On the other hand, you can enjoy two hours of uncredited, unnamed mariachi (and other Mexican) muzak right here.
Dear Photoshop Experts: Can you turn the background black? (photos)
t starts at
An innocent netizen asks for help with a photo, like Danilo here, who writes in requesting the Photoshop experts insert a black background into a snapshot:
req. help
help guys
i would like to turn black background this photo but i don't how T-T
pls anyone help me
heres the picture
Danilo’s request gets a prompt reply with a new, Photoshopped image:
Mas…Dear Photoshop Experts: Can you turn the background black? (photos)
Cupquake’s mysterious and alluring Dia de Los Muertos makeup video
What is she wearing? And who are those dudes in the background?
Behind La Musica: Meet Tejano band ‘Los Mojados Guapos’ (video)
VH Juan takes an up close and personal look at superstar Tejano band Los Mojados Guapos in this short segment from Behind La Musica.
In the border badlands, it’s migrants vs vigilantes, hope vs hate (video)
Gustavo Aguilar and Juan Cabrera, Mexican day laborers alone in a Twilight Zone desert, are confronted by a screaming protest against illegal immigration. Ours is a world of mirage and illusion, they remind us, and you have to believe it to see it.