Mas…Facebook Video: Lalo Alcaraz on cartooning, politics, and life
This Tweet just in from @MexicanMitt Romney (photo)
— Mexican Mitt Romnee (@MexicanMitt) December 29, 2014
Pocho History 101: ‘Abraham Lincoln’ by Louis CK (SNL video)
American History 101 – Pocho Style.
Ñewsweek: Romney? Ya No Más, I wish I were Latino; iPhone La Raza
Say hello to Angry Abuelas, pochos. The new iPhone 5 — code-named La Raza — is especially designed for Latinos.
Two videos broke the news: GOP presidential wannabe Mitt Romney wished he were a puro Latino and his campaign released a new Spanish-language ad aimed at “white Hispanics.”
In science ñews, cilantro haters breathed a sigh of relief as genetics proved it was not their fault and the new African monkey species looks familiar somehow.
Here are the links:
Mas…Ñewsweek: Romney? Ya No Más, I wish I were Latino; iPhone La Raza
Behind La Musica: Meet Tejano band ‘Los Mojados Guapos’ (video)
VH Juan takes an up close and personal look at superstar Tejano band Los Mojados Guapos in this short segment from Behind La Musica.
My father, the ‘Human Piñata’ — a true story by Alex Koll (video)
Alex Koll pulls back the curtain on his dad’s tormented history, his violent career and his tragic end: The life and death of a Piñatador.
In their own words: ‘Hispanic Veterans Remembered’ (video)
In this documentary, Latino veterans share their stories of their time in the military.