Watch: Mexican fashionistas demo what the cool kids will wear in 2035
The students at Mexico City’s Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Moda de Casa de Francia designed and produced 20 “intelligent” pieces of clothing for your fashion-forward future. Twenty years from now, we’ll all be wearing black and white poofy mexi-burkas with built-in virtual reality. SPOILER: All the extra-cool kids will have gray hair, 3D printers and electric shoes.
I killed that African-American kid in self defense (1876 toon)
This editorial cartoon, In Self-Defense, by cartoonist A. B. Frost, ran in Harper’s Weekly on October 28, 1876, on page 880.
The HarpWeek blog explains:
This image dramatically condemns the brutal racism of some white Southerners against blacks. The white man has killed a black child, and his plea of “self-defense” exemplifies the perspective among Southern whites that Reconstruction had led to “black rule.” The cartoon appeared just a few weeks before the presidential election.
White Americans are biased against blacks, and some more than others
Most white Americans are biased against blacks, but it differs across the country. In this map, the redder the state, the higher the hate. Michigan, in gray, is in middle, bias-wise, and the bluer states are less biased than Michigan.
There’s some tricky methodology involved, and there may be some “selection bias,” but if anything, the survey results may underestimate the prejudice.
Here’s The Washington Post Wonk Blog report:
Mas…White Americans are biased against blacks, and some more than others
New app DVRSE: Black friends in photos when you need them (video)
What do you do when a social media photo needs black friends and none of your many African-American amigos are around? There’s an app for that, new DVRSE. [NSFW F-bombs, etc.]
Maybe I grew up in a Latino and African-American neighborhood
Maybe I grew up in a mostly Latino and African American neighborhood because that was where my parents could pay rent.
Maybe they could only pay rent there because my parents immigrated into this country with only a bag of clothes. Maybe they worked 16 hrs a day 7 days a week in ranches cutting cabbage. Maybe they worked 2 or 3 jobs, and yet it was barely enough to get by.
Mas…Maybe I grew up in a Latino and African-American neighborhood
Study shows brown skin, tattoos will cost you money on Craigslist
A year-long study has shown that potential buyers were less likely to contact Craigslist sellers with brown skin and/or tattoos.
And when contact was made, according to the research, the prices offered for identical items were less.
Sociological Images has the story:
Mas…Study shows brown skin, tattoos will cost you money on Craigslist
Johnny Sanchez on George Lopez: Yup, I’m Mexican (video)
Being brown, growing old, living as a short person — Johnny Sanchez shares TMI about the intimate secrets of Mexican-American men.
Peru Cam: Sure, we’re mestizo, but we still hate blacks (video)
Who will be the new owner of the L.A. Clippers basketball team when disgraced racist owner Donald Sterling is finally forced out? We sent a camera crew to ask passersby on the streets in Peru.
Mas…Peru Cam: Sure, we’re mestizo, but we still hate blacks (video)
Trevor Noah: It’s not easy being mixed (NSFW video)
“Coloured” stand up comic Trevor Noah explains his mixed-race life in apatheid-era South Africa to fans in London. [NSFW adult language.]
These black people are not so amused by white folks (photos)
It ain’t easy being black in a white man’s world, and we have the photos to prove it!
But wait, there’s more!
Mas…These black people are not so amused by white folks (photos)
Breaking: GOP blames unidentified suspect for shutdown
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, DC) The GOP knows who to blame for today’s partial Federal government shutdown.
“An unidentified black man came along out of nowhere, drew a gun and demanded that Republicans shut down the government,” according to Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH).
Rice Boy Liu: Rapping in 12 different ethnic accents (NSFW video)
Hey, Mr. Homie Rice Boy Liu: Do I really esound like that? (NSFW language.)
Negrito: Sometimes you feel like an Afro, sometimes you don’t (video)
In Mexico, Grupo Bimbo’s Negrito brand chocolate candy bars are delicious AND good for your hair! All sales final. Hoodie not included.
PBS ‘Downton Abbey’ series adds first adorable black character
(PNS reporting from LONDON) Downton Abbey executive producer Gareth Neame said today that newcomer Gary Coleman’s addition to the British show “will bring interesting twists to the drama.” The cute-as-a-button actor has most recently been seen in various American sitcoms and reality programs.
His Downton character, Arnold Jackson, is described as “a charming and charismatic” young man. The long-awaited addition marks the first time Downton has had an adorable black character.
Mas…PBS ‘Downton Abbey’ series adds first adorable black character
Hey, honky! The origin of the world’s most heinous racial slur
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz‘s recent article about the word gringo ignited a shitstorm of debate. White people came out of the woodwork to declare how they’ve been traumatized all these years because of it.
This got me thinking about racial slurs and how we use them in these oh-so-modern times. Rand Paul used the term chili-choking pepper bellies the other day when he was talking about immigration reform. What’s the gringo equivalent of a chili-choking pepper belly? Twinky-gagging sugar gut? Sounds stupid, right?
“You cornbread-gobbling butter stomach!”
Mas…Hey, honky! The origin of the world’s most heinous racial slur
History Channel asserts that Obama Satan portrayal is ‘unbiased’
(PNS reporting from HOLLYWOOD) The creators of the miniseries The Bible and the History Channel are denying reports that the character Satan intentionally resembles President Barack Obama.
Producers Mark Burnett and Roma Downey dismissed what they called “ridiculous” reports that their mini-series cast the ultimate villain with an actor looked like the President.
“This is utter nonsense. The actor who played Satan, Mehdi Ouzaani, is a highly acclaimed Moroccan actor,” they said in a statement released today.
“He has previously played parts in several Biblical epics– including dark-skinned Kenyan socialist Marxist dictators, and other Satanic characters long before Barack Obama was elected as our treasonous, drone-launching Black Panther President.”
Mas…History Channel asserts that Obama Satan portrayal is ‘unbiased’
‘Chicken ‘N Waffles’ flavored syrup for coffee is racist, critics say
(PNS reporting from ATLANTA) After narrowly beating “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos,” “Kool Super Longs” and “40-Ounce Malt Liquor” to become the syrup flavor that “most accurately captures the taste of the African-American experience,” the winner, Chicken ‘N Waffles syrup, has been put into production by syrup giant Torani.
The family-owned company, known for sweet coffee additives like vanilla and chocolate syrups, is convinced white Americans will crave “the special tang this sweet ‘n’ sassy syrup adds” to the four-dollar lattes they consume several times a day.
Torani’s move is “baffling” and “an outrage,” Clarence K. Dabra, president of the Atlanta-based American Black Restauranteurs Association (ABRA) told PNS.
Mas…‘Chicken ‘N Waffles’ flavored syrup for coffee is racist, critics say
PNS*Hot*Flash: GOP aims to cut ‘uppity’ February to 26 days
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, D.C.) This just in: Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has introduced a bill to shorten February to 26 days. Cantor says February is getting too “uppity” and two of its days should be given to April, which he claims is being discriminated against as “the cruellest month,” because it features the observance of “Confederate History Month” and “Patriots Day.” The bill also aims to cancel leap years, just to be a dick.
Mas…PNS*Hot*Flash: GOP aims to cut ‘uppity’ February to 26 days
I could have been an astrophysicist, except I’m a Latina
Back in October, Florida created a new set of educational policies which permits/expects blacks and Latinos to test lower on standardized tests than whites or Asian students. Since they’re expected to test lower, Florida thereby eliminates the embarassing “achievement gap” and the white education bureaucrats can “stand their ground.”
While we’re at it, why don’t we segregate each classroom per race? We can even have separate bathrooms and drinking fountains per race. Seems legit!
I am actually the product of the Florida school system. This ethnic divide rule reminds me of my first year at the University of Central Florida. Though I had a great high school record and was making straight As, I had to take mandatory seminars teaching me how to do well in school.
Did everyone have to take these courses? Nope. Well, why would a straight-A student have to attend such seminars?
Because I am Latina.
Mas…I could have been an astrophysicist, except I’m a Latina
Hollywood casting directors’ racial stereotyping never ends (video)
Another day in Hollywood, another casting call. Getting a good part is hard enough without the racial stereotyping and White Casting. (NSFW language.)
American Census Shocker! Minority babies invading U.S. from Vagistan
(PNS reporting from WASHINGTON, D.C.) Census figures indicate that minorities make up over half the births of babies in the United States for the first time since the Pilgrims reluctantly started having sex.
These new minority babies will be able to outvote white babies in local and national baby elections, and this has white baby proponents terrified.
White mothers all over the U.S. have been reporting the births of unexplainable brown babies.
“It’s like there a brown horde erupting from inside us,” reported one hysterical white mother, Mrs. while being eyed by her suspicious white husband. Their nearby sexy gardener Julio Ramirez had no comment.
Mas…American Census Shocker! Minority babies invading U.S. from Vagistan
Florida Burning: Will Trayvon’s ‘killer’ go to jail or get cop job?

(PNS reporting from LA FLORIDA) Local police have reluctantly transferred the investigation of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin at the White Knights gated community to the State Attorney’s Office.
The state will now determine if George Zimmerman, the Sanford-area neighborhood watch captain accused of killing Martin, will be charged with a crime or simply hired by the Sanford Police Department he wanted so much to join.
According to Sanford police, Zimmerman, a white male and captain of the W.K.N.W., (White Knights Neighborhood Watch,) admitted that he shot and killed Martin because “he looked black.” Due to local racist tradition, police say that’s usually a justifiable homicide in Florida “especially in white gated communities.”
Mas…Florida Burning: Will Trayvon’s ‘killer’ go to jail or get cop job?