Mas…La Cucaracha: Energy is uncertain, but tacos are forever
From Venuezuela: Труп чупакабры в Венесуэле (chupacabra video)
Hey! I took Russki in college. Труп чупакабры в Венесуэле means “corpse of a chupacabra [found] in Venezuela.”
Poor Venezuela. Ever since Commandante Hugo Chavez died, his chosen successor Nicolas Maduro has had to cope with a series of Yanqui plots that are screwing up the economy in his socialist paradise.
First came the toilet paper shortage which Maduro blamed on imperialist sabotage, although he later tried to paint it as an example of his economic successes, claiming Venezuelan shit production had reached record levels, thereby outstripping the papel hygenico supply.
Mas…From Venuezuela: Труп чупакабры в Венесуэле (chupacabra video)
Al Madrigal in downtown Manhattan for The Daily Show (video)
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Hurricane Sandy’s Aftermath | ||||
POCHO Migrant Editor (and Daily Show Senior Latino Correspondent) Al Madrigal reports on the situation in lower Manhattan after Sandy.
That’s not funny! Why did POCHO go dark for 24 hours?

We’re gonna get real with you for just a second, and then it’s back to the jajaja.
We know it, you know it, even thousands of freaked-out college students know it now:
SOPA and PIPA are horrible bills that would turn control of all the mad, juicy goodness of the Internet – including sites like ours – over to a handful of greedy, pinstripe-suited dobermans known as entertainment industry lawyers. And those dogs would rip it all to bloody shreds.