Wassup with San Diego college guys in ‘cholo pantalones?’
Ozzie Monge unearthed this little tidbit of San Diego State University history — a bizarre attack on Mexican attire that ran in the student newspaper in 1922.
Foreshadowing Donald Trump, the students are quite sure about Mexico. “There,” they explain, “poverty is a profession.”
In Monge’s words:
Racism and Anti-Mexicanism at San Diego State College in the 20’s? Say it isn’t so….Anglos hating on Mexicans, hating on Indians, yet they proudly declare that their school is Del Sudoeste (a product of the imagined, romanticized Spanish past – and Eurocentrism) and will later take on the moniker Aztec from the imagined, romanticized version of the conquest they developed.
Mas…Wassup with San Diego college guys in ‘cholo pantalones?’
Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)
What do you need to know when crossing to El Norte from Tijuana? One artist who lived that life incorporated all she learned into origami “cootie catcher” fortune teller paper tip sheets. (Silent video, above.)
Isabella Cruz-Chong grew up in Tijuana, she explained to POCHO in an email, “and I would constantly cross between Tijuana and San Diego. The instructions originated from common rules most people from there know, personal instructions that my parents used to tell me when I was growing up. Some are my own that I have learned that are important to be aware of. All of the instructions are written in my own words.”
Mas…Tips for crossing the border, paper fortune teller style (photos, video)
Beans cross the line in a battle on the ‘Border’ (videos)
Blue bean, brown bean, we’re all beans inside, on BOTH SIDES of the Border. [This video by Belgian studio Plan 78 Animation is part of the 12 Minutes About Peace project.]
Mas…Beans cross the line in a battle on the ‘Border’ (videos)
Breaking the Ñews: Massive immigration caused California drought
Screw your liberal “climate change” answer that’s really a code word so-called “progressives” use to steal from people who work for a living instead of sucking Obamacare’s socialist welfare titties.
Where has all of California’s water gone?
It’s the immigrants, stupid!
Victor David Hanson reports for the National Review:
Mas…Breaking the Ñews: Massive immigration caused California drought
Stephen Colbert: Mexican Baloney Invasion (#TBT 2012 video)
Undocumented migrants aren’t the only brown threat at our southern border — illegal Mexican sausage is making its way into the sandwiches our precious children pack for lunch. Stephen Colbert reports:
Mas…Stephen Colbert: Mexican Baloney Invasion (#TBT 2012 video)
Chinese-Mexican food and a side order of history (audio)
After the United States passed the openly racist Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, migrants from China went to Mexico instead. And the legacy of those immigrants is still found today on both sides of the border: Chinese-Mexican food.
Lisa Morehouse of KQED reports:
Mas…Chinese-Mexican food and a side order of history (audio)
Ask A Mexican: Is it safe to visit Tijuana? (video)
POCHO’s Associate Naranjero Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano has just returned from a weekend trip to Tijuana.
“Is it safe again in Tijuana, Gustavo?” someone asked him when he got back. “It’s safe — and it’s amazing!” he replied.
Manu Chao ‘El Viento’: ‘Beast’ train mangles limbs, lives (video)
Manu Chao recorded El Viento (The Wind) five years ago in front of Arizona Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s infamous “tent city” prison, but the tapes were unreleased until now.
In this new music video, the Arizona footage is paired with scenes of would-be Honduran migrants maimed on the infamous “Beast” train (La Bestia) that runs through Mexico en route to El Norte.
NDLON (National Day Laborers Organizing Network) explains:
Mas…Manu Chao ‘El Viento’: ‘Beast’ train mangles limbs, lives (video)
Ask A Mexican: What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?
POCHO’s Associate Naranjero Gustavo ¡Ask A Mexican! Arellano answers the pregunta “What part of ‘illegal’ don’t Mexicans understand?” with his own question for pinches Know Nothing gabachos.
Mas…Ask A Mexican: What part of ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?
What’s it like to come out as an undocumented immigrant? (video)
What’s it like to come out of the closet as an undocumented immigrant? POCHO amigo Julio Salgado and friends explain.
Welcome to the San Ysidro border crossing – enjoy our light show!
Double Horizon documents an interactive light show at the US-Mexico border crossing at San Ysidro (near San Diego) that is triggered by the cars themselves. [Relax. It’s not you. There is no sound in this silent video. Also, your tax dollars at work.]
Mas…Welcome to the San Ysidro border crossing – enjoy our light show!
Al Madrigal’s ‘Pocho Quest’: ‘Half Like Me’ (complete video)
POCHO Migrant Editor Al Madrigal gets some help from POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz and POCHO Associate Naranjero Gustavo Arellano as he tries to understand what it means to be half-Mexican in America.
Mas…Al Madrigal’s ‘Pocho Quest’: ‘Half Like Me’ (complete video)
BBC Video: What does it mean to be Mexican-American?
The BBC sent a reporter to the Southwest to find out what it means to be a Mexican-American. The answer? It’s complicated.
Watch! Al Madrigal: ‘Half Like Me’ (Al meets with a Minuteman)
POCHO Migrant Editor Al Madrigal’s new docu-comedy Half Like Me went live on FUSION Thursday night. In this clip, Al meets up at the US-Mexican border with a patriotic member of the Minutemen. Also, Borderlandia looks familiar somehow.
Mas…Watch! Al Madrigal: ‘Half Like Me’ (Al meets with a Minuteman)
Official Report: La Migra’s border drone results not on fleek (videos)
The Department of Homeland Security Inspector General may not have the sad, exactly, but his end-of-2014 report on border-patrolling drones was not very happy.
Tio Sam, the Inspector General recommended, should spend his Migra-Industrial Complex money somewhere else. More drones are not on fleek, the report concluded.
The LexisNexis newsroom pulled this quote from the report:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Unmanned Aircraft System Program Does Not Achieve Intended Results or Recognize All Costs of Operations
Although CBP’s Unmanned Aircraft System program contributes to border security, after 8 years, CBP cannot prove that the program is effective because it has not developed performance measures.
Mas…Official Report: La Migra’s border drone results not on fleek (videos)
DJ for Juárez Catholic radio massages migrants’ feet (audio)
Migrants seeking a better life in El Norte often pause on the border across from El Paso — in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua — before they cross to El Otro Lado.
Jorge Gutierrez, a host on Radio Guadalupana, a religious station run by the Catholic Diocese of Juárez, is there for them. More than just a radio talker, he has put his faith (and hands) to work easing migrants’ pain. Public Radio International reports:
Feet are a symbolic part of practically every migrant’s story: They literally carry their owner’s weight along the length of an exhausting journey. And in the Mexican border city of Juárez, one man has made it his mission to care for this particular body part.
Here’s the radio report from Monica Oritz Uribe:
Mas…DJ for Juárez Catholic radio massages migrants’ feet (audio)
POCHO wishes all you pochos a Merry Christmas (toon)
Merry Christmas from Los Pochodores: Lalo Alcaraz, Jefe-in-Chief; Dennis Wilen AKA Comic Saenz, Jefe de Content; Sara Inés Calderón, Subcommandanta del Ñews; Beto Mesta AKA Eres Nerd, Texas Burro Jefe; Elise Roedenbeck, New Jack City Burro Jefe (Emeritus); Celina Martinez, Food and Gwine Editor; Al Madrigal, Migrant Editor.
It has finally come to this: Kim Kardashian butt piñata, the video
A small piñata shop in the Rio Grande border town of Reynosa now offers a piñata of the infamous Paper Magazine shoot in which Kim Kardashian appears nude, RT reports:
Inspired by Kim Kardashian’s rising popularity throughout Mexico, shop owner Dalton Javier Davalos decided to make a pinata of the star’s posterior for the Posadas festival taking place later this month. In making the pinata, Davalos said that he didn’t forsee the international spotlight his shop would receive as a result.
Mas…It has finally come to this: Kim Kardashian butt piñata, the video
Breaking: U.S. perverted peaceful Mexi-Drone robot plan
(PNS reporting from LOS ANGELES) Newly-uncovered video confirms allegations that the U.S. Government stole and perverted POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz’s 1998 plan to use remote-controlled robots (now called drones) for peaceful purposes.
The short informational piece, which Alcaraz made for the United States Department of Labor, aired only once — on local access cable TV program Illegal Interns. It was lost to the public until a VHS version was discovered in a storage locker in Boyle Heights last week.
Alcaraz’ documentary illustrates how remotely-controlled farm workers/braceros (called “cyber-braceros” or “cybraceros” for short in the quaint lingo of the 20th Century) could pick American crops without crossing America’s border.
Sadly, Alcaraz’ prophetic vision of remotely-controlled robots was perverted by Tio Sam and used for killing foreigners overseas and snooping on Americans at home.
The Labor Department video starts at 1:05 into the program:
La MIGRA uses drones to patrol 50% of the Mexico border (video)
Nearly half the US-Mexican border is now patrolled by Border Patrol Predator B2 drones, according to the Associated Press, and the government plans to expand the strategy to the Canadian border.
Neo-Nazis, KKK in Texas for swastika lighting and BBQ (NSFW video)
Members of the Texas Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the Michigan-based National Socialist Movement (NSM) staged a “show of force” rally against undocumented immigrants Saturday outside the Rockwall County (Texas) Courthouse, according to RUPTLY: [NSFW adult language F-bomb audio.]
Mas…Neo-Nazis, KKK in Texas for swastika lighting and BBQ (NSFW video)
Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)
These Nazis wear swastikas and call themselves National Socialists, sure, but they’re not really socialists. They’re more nationalists, really, supporting the White Nation. All they want to do is to save America from the loser and quitter immigrants who gave up on their home countries to invade the U.S. of A. After all, integration was forced on the White Man at the point of a bayonet. White people get racially profiled too, you know.
Mas…Meet the American Nazis who protect our US-Mexico border (video)