Mas…La Cucaracha: The Taco Cart Guy? He’s A ‘Job Creator’ Now
Public Service Announcement: Please Don’t Bully Nazis (toon)
Don’t Bully Nazis, Please! This Community Advice brought to you by the Scarfolk Council.
R U READY? It’s time for ‘The Donald Victory Dance!’ (video)
Can you Dance Like Donald? All the kool kids are doing it! [Video by BlueDogFilms.]
Hey, Trump! Come down to my barrio and say that again
On the first day of class, I always inform my university students that I hold two PhDs — one from a premier research institution, UC Berkeley, and the other from one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country, East Los Angeles’ Ramona Gardens housing project or Big Hazard projects (named after the notorious gang).
While I’ve relied on my research and analytic skills to criticize Donald Trump, as the Republican presidential nominee, I’ve also depended on my street smarts to deconstruct his extremist politics and erratic behavior. While political foes, pundits, cable news anchors and journalists are bewildered by Trump, I grew up with his type: Wannabe tough guy, bully and hustler. To deal with Trump, we must view him through these typologies, among others, such as xenophobe, racist, money-grubber and liar.
When life is a video game, love is your secret weapon (video)
In the Great Video Game of Life, a little love from (plus tortillas, cumbia y nopales) can help you escape the zombies and crush the bullies. A true story from Los Cenzontles.
Mas…When life is a video game, love is your secret weapon (video)
Too busy to make new enemies? Try MyNemesis·com (video)
Popular Kids: It doesn’t get any better (video)
A special PSA for popular high school kids who are on top of the world: enjoy it, because it won’t last.
It doesn’t get better.
Take note, be warned and good luck!
Romney is out of the closet and into the polling booth, girls (photos)
Mitt camps it up in this high school yearbook photo.
And in this photo taken after the first debate:
Mas…Romney is out of the closet and into the polling booth, girls (photos)
Fired undocumented gardener sorry he ‘peed on Romney’s petunias’

(PNS reporting from BEVERLY HILLS) Inspired by Mitt Romney’s apology for assaulting a long-haired commie prep school classmate, one of the undocumented gardeners Romney hired and then fired in 1996 has issued his own apology.
Berto Lopez, now working as a freelance arborist in Beverly Hills, regrets he once peed on the then-governor’s prized petunias.
“I did some rude things when I was younger,” he told PNS Thursday, “and if I hurt any of those plants, well then I am truly sorry.”
But Lopez denied the peeing and the firing were related. “I peed on the plants because Romney was a pendejo — how you say — douchebag:”
Mas…Fired undocumented gardener sorry he ‘peed on Romney’s petunias’