It’s time to elect our first woman President – Olive Oyl (video)

olive3Popeye’s beloved, the willowly Olive Oyl, thinks the country would be much better off with a lady president — President Olive Oyl!

olive1Her platform includes housing the homeless, a shorter work week, sweet sexy dreams, more silkworms, more drumsticks per chicken, and nuking a recalcitrant Congress with love darts.

We agree!

Mas…It’s time to elect our first woman President – Olive Oyl (video)

It’s almost as if Escher animated a Kafka story: ‘The Guardian’ (video)

guardianA wandering Everyman arrives at a metaphysical gate, controlled by a fearsome Guardian. He tries to pass through, but is denied.

Everyman and Guardian, however, are the same person. Each of us must confront his own fear, or else the shapeless Guardian who controls us will close the doors on the possibilities of our lives. We have nothing to fear, tu sabes, but fear itself. (Also mind killer.)

Mas…It’s almost as if Escher animated a Kafka story: ‘The Guardian’ (video)

Pocho Ocho worst Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fails

hashtagheatmapSome Twitter users are just unclear on the concept, especially when it comes to the appropriate use of the #JeSuisCharlie hashtag, the most popular ever (“heat map,” above). The viral slogan — coined after the massacre at Paris satire magazine Charlie Hebdo — affirms support of free expression.

French-deficient? “Je suis Charlie” means “I am Charlie.”

The Pochodores combed the Internets for these Pocho Ocho top Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fails:


Mas…Pocho Ocho worst Twitter #JeSuisCharlie hashtag fails

Does your animation project need a Latina maid?

othercharactersanimatedmaidmariaDoes your video animation project need stereotyped cartoon actors?

How about a Latina?

How about we name her “Maria,” oh, and get this, she’s a “housemaid!”

Maria is ready to say “¡Si, Señora!” in all your corporate video, web avatar and/or white privileged productions.

Sure we could have made Maria the “cool girl” character (above), but get real.

This is America!

All this and more from mCharacter. [Windex not included, deviousness available for an additional charge.]

Mas…Does your animation project need a Latina maid?

She’s a ‘young adult’ now! ‘Dora and Friends: Into the City’

doraandfriendsbannerNew Young Adult/YA Dora the Explorer on the Horizon: Dora and Friends: Into the City to Debut! What’s Next? Dora, the Sad College Years?

Never one to say no to a good thing, Nickelodeon has opted to cash-in on their Latina golden goose! The morning mail finds our old friend Dora the Explorer all grown up, ten years old, hangin’ with her posse in the City, and, get this, now she has eyebrows.

I am actually all for the saturation of the vidiot network with pint-sized facsimiles of smart, bilingual, Latina animated stars, so I will hold the snark and just point you to some coming attractions!

Mas…She’s a ‘young adult’ now! ‘Dora and Friends: Into the City’